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À la mémoire de
Keith Percival Harold Vibert
23 mai 1932 – 26 décembre 2022 - 90 ans
Keith Percival Harold Vibert
(May 23, 1932 – December 26, 2022)

“… stopping here
to watch [the] woods fill up with snow.”
— Robert Frost

Peacefully with family by his side, generous, selfless and beloved Keith boarded the train for Heaven at 90 years young. He is predeceased by his parents Wilfred Vibert and Eva Bechervaise and his wife Mary Jensen. An ever-doting father, he is survived by his loving children Donald, Steve (Alice) and Tanya (Bruno) and his beautiful grandchildren Brayden and Emily, all of whom were his pride and joy. Over the years, siblings—Wilma, Kathleen, Weston (Joyce), Stan (Lise)—in-laws—Fredrick, Robert, Dorothy (Garold), Barbara (Frank), Betty (Brian), Katheryn (Paul), Karen (Kent)—many nephews and nieces, and countless friends, appreciated Keith’s caring, supportiveness, and quick-witted humour.
Along with his commitment to family, Keith made time to give back as an Anglican church warden and a school board commissioner for what is now the Eastern Shores School Board. An outdoorsman who enjoyed cross-country skiing and walks in the woods with his dog, be they filling up with snow in the winter or teeming with life in the spring, summer and fall, Keith maintained a love of travelling to visit family that mirrored his time working for CN Rail and VIA Rail. After his retirement, friends and neighbours knew that Spring had arrived when Keith and his welcoming smile, and a friendly wave, could be seen sitting on his veranda.

A service and Celebration of Life to be held in Gaspé at a future date to be determined.

¬There is a new storyteller in the lounge car of the train. There are some familiar faces and new friends gathering around the consummate gentleman with the smirk on his face and a glimmer in his eye. There is love all around, and out the window, twilight is fading on the kind of night that would fill the woods with snow.
Enjoy your well-earned rest, Dad, and keep’em laughing. xoxo.


«... s'arrêtant ici
pour regarder (les) bois se remplir de neige.»
Robert Frost

Paisiblement, entouré de sa famille, le généreux, dévoué et très apprécié Keith s'est embarqué dans le train en route pour le paradis à l'âge de 90 ans.

Il est prédécédé par ses parents Wilfrid Vibert et Eva Bechervaise et son épouse Mary Jensen.

Un père toujours passionné, il laisse dans le deuil ses adorables enfants Donald, Steve (Alice) et Tanya (Bruno) et ses merveilleux petits-enfants Brayden et Emily qui ont tous été sa fierté et sa joie. Au fil des années, ses frères et soeurs Wilma, Kathleen, Weston (Joyce), Stan (Lise), sa belle-famille Fredrick, Robert, Dorothy (Garold), Barbara (Frank), Betty (Brian), Katheryn (Paul), Karen (Kent), plusieurs neveux, nièces et d'innombrables amis ont apprécié sa bienveillance, son soutien et son humour vif.

En plus de son engagement envers sa famille, Keith a donné beaucoup de son temps comme marguillier pour l'église Anglicane et comme commissaire pour la commission scolaire "Eastern Shores School Board". Un amateur de plein air qui aimait le ski de fond et les randonnées en forêt avec son chien, qu'elle soit remplie de neige ou qu'elle regorge de vie au printemps, en été et à l'automne. À l'époque quand il travaillait pour CN Rail et Via Rail, Keith aimait voyager pour rendre visite à sa famille. À sa retraite, les amis et les voisins savaient que le printemps était arrivé quand Keith, son sourire accueillant et un signe amical de la main, pouvait être aperçu assis sur la galerie.

Les condoléances et une célébration de la vie auront lieu à Gaspé à une date ultérieure.

Il y a un nouveau conteur dans la voiture-salon du train. Il y a des visages famil9iers et des nouveaux amis autour du gentleman accompli avec un sourire en coin et une lueur dans les yeux. Il y a de l'amour tout autour et, par la fenêtre, le crépuscule s'estompe dans le genre de nuit qui remplit la forêt de neige.

Profite de ton repos bien mérité, Papa, et continue de les faire rire. xoxo

Message de Val and Pierre Sayah 18 janvier 2023

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Tanya (and Bruno) at this difficult time. Please accept our sympathy at the passing of your dearest Dad and may God rest his soul in his eternal peace. Amen.

Message de Boyd & Gertie O'Brien 14 janvier 2023

My condolences to Keith's children and brother Stan. I worked for many years at the railway with Keith. Couldn't find a nicer man and more reliable person to work with .Rest in Peace Keith

Message de Ivy patterson 13 janvier 2023

I am so sorry for your loss..My deepest condolences to all the family and friends of Keith..a good man….long time neighbour..Ivy ❤️

Message de Judy and Yvan Frene6tte 12 janvier 2023

Ouf deepest sympathy to all the family.May Mr.Vibert rest in peace.
Judy and Yvan.

Message de Kenneth Ward 11 janvier 2023

My personal sympathy to the family of Keith. I knew him as a School Board Commissioner and would chat with him when he attended the meetings in New Carlisle. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
Kenneth Ward, New Carlisle, Qc.

Message de Dominique Leger and Gilles Lamy 11 janvier 2023

We would like to wish you our deepest for the lost of you father,Mr Keith was such a gentleman .I work with Mr. Vibert from 1974 until his retirement he was the most gentle person that i had never meet ,friendly and always in good humor and ready to help you anytime.R.I.P. Mr Keith.

Message de Marcella Keays 11 janvier 2023

Our most sincere condolences to all the family.
Your dad was once our neighbour.Marcella Keays and family

Message de Michael Sheehan 11 janvier 2023

To the Vibert family. Offering you my most sincere condolences. I met Mr. Vibert as a school commissioner, a very nice man and was always happy to meet him.. May he rets in peace.

Message de Debbie Sams 11 janvier 2023

What a beautiful write-up about your Dad and so well describes his love for the outdoors and being with people.He especially enjoyed bringing a smile to others with his quick wit . Hayden enjoyed his time working with him at CN and Via , aways a a pleasant gentleman as well as shushing down Mont Bechervais. I spent time on the school board with him and these last years , went to his home to cut his hair.I never walked away without hearing some of his wise cracks..
Our Condolences to all the family
Keep them smiling Keith..
Debbie and Hayden

Message de Monica Dea Gerard 10 janvier 2023

It was always a pleasure meeting and chatting with Keith .
To all his family ,sincere condolences.
Johnny & Monica Gerard

Message de Stan & Sue Ste Croix 10 janvier 2023

To Stan and all of Keith's family and friends we offer our sincere condolences. He will be missed.

Stan & Sue Ste Croix

Message de Ann Clements 10 janvier 2023

Un autre chum que papa va revoir là haut
Sympathie à la famille de cet homme si gentil et discret 💕

Message de Sandra Eden Lavigne 10 janvier 2023

Sending my deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Keith, my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Message de Micheline Whalen 10 janvier 2023

Very sorry for your lost, M. Keith was a very nice gentleman.

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