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À la mémoire de
Alda Joyce Buttle
08 juin 1946 – 13 avril 2020 - 73 ans
It is great sadness that we announce the passing of Mrs. Alda Joyce Buttle at the age of 73 years.
Predeceased by her husband Gerald Gallan.

She leaves behind her beloved children : Lorri (François), Rodney (Kim), Brian (Ginette), Beverly and Deacon;
her grandchildren : Roxanne, Mathieu, Jessika and Jennifer;
3 great-grandchildren : Maëlie, Emma and Alice;
her sisters : Jean (deceased), Brenda, Marjorie and Monic;
her brothers : George, Charles and Jeffrey;
and many other family members and friends.

The family would like to thank Dre Marie-Hélène Basque & all nurses and workers of the Soutien à Domicile from the C.L.S.C of Paspébiac for all the humanism and your support throughout all this life event.

Further information to follow concerning the date of the funeral.

The Funeral Home Henri Thibodeau of HG Division would like to extend their sincere sympathies to the family.
Message de FADOQ Région Gaspésie Îles-de-la-Madeleine 01 mai 2020

We here at the Fédération de l’Âge d’or du Québec région Gaspésie – Îles-de-la-Madeleine were truly sorry to hear of the loss of Mrs. Alda Buttle.

Please allow me, on behalf of all of us at the FADOQ GÎM, to extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family.

From all of us at the FADOQ GîM, please accept our most sincere condolences.

Message de Crystal and Lewis Evans 22 avril 2020

We were very sorry to hear of Alda’s passing. She will be sorely missed. Our hearts go out to her family and friends.

Message de Kenneth Ward 21 avril 2020

Our deepest sympathy to all the family...

Ken & Christine Ward

Message de Cyrus and Iva Journeau 20 avril 2020

We were very saddened to hear of your mother's death as
we had been when we first heard of her illness. She worked
many years assisting at our house and always with a very
jovial and pleasant attitude. Unfortunately we cannot visit
you during this critical pandemic, but try to take comfort in
the fact that all your family is in the thoughts and prayers
of so many people. Our most sincere sympathy to you all.
Cyrus and Iva

Message de Maureen Sinclair 19 avril 2020

Dear Bev & family , Sending you my Deepest Sympathies , your Mum was a great person , always chatted & smile when I saw here , xo

Message de Orville & Diane 17 avril 2020

Our deepest sympathies to all the family.

May you find peace and comfort in this time of sorrow.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Rest in peace Alda

Message de Émérilda Loisel et Henri Aspirot 17 avril 2020

Toutes nos plus sincères condoléances à vous deux Lorri et François ainsi qu’à tous les autres membres de la famille.
Nos pensées vous accompagnent en ces moments de grande tristesse.

Message de Brent and Olga Renouf 17 avril 2020

Our deepest sympathy to the family.

Message de Lucette Bourdages 16 avril 2020

Sincères condoléances à toi Beverly et toute ta famille.

Message de MARIELLE BLAIS 16 avril 2020

Mes sympathies à la famille🌷🌷

Message de Elodie Cyr 16 avril 2020

My sympathies to the family. My thoughts are with you during these trying times.

Message de Barbara Guscott 16 avril 2020

It was a privilege to have known this wonderful woman. The world is a sadder place today. My deepest condolences to the whole family. You're in my thoughts.

Message de Billy and Mona Court 16 avril 2020

Please accept our sincerest and most heartfelt condolences for all of the members of Alda's family. Know that we are thinking of each of you as you grieve. We are praying for God's loving arms to be wrapped around you, His comfort to be felt as He sustains you and His presence known as He gives you comfort, in this time of separation from loved ones, neighbours and friends.
With much love,
Billy and Mona
2 Timothy 2: 11-13
Psalm 145:18

Message de Ruth Dugdale 16 avril 2020

I am so sorry to hear of Alda’s passing. She was such a joy to know! She took great care of my boys, baked incredible Christmas goodies, and was never afraid to tackle spring cleaning! She had a heart of gold and will be missed.
To all of the family- please accept my sincere sympathy.

Message de Ronald Delarosbil Mary Ellen Flowers 16 avril 2020

Our deepest sympathy to all the members of the family. Our thougts and prayers are with you during the difficult time.

Message de Lisa Gagnon 16 avril 2020

My deepest sympathies goes out to the family

Message de Fernande Arsenault 15 avril 2020

Toute ma sympathie Beverly. La douleur du départ d'un être aimé finit par laissé la place aux doux souvenir. Prends soin de toi.

Message de Carol & Richard Smollett 15 avril 2020

Our sincere sympathy to Beverly and family. Cherish all the wonderful memories of your dear Mom in your hearts forever. Hugs Bev.

Message de Betty and Art MacPherson 15 avril 2020

Our sincere condolences to all family members on the passing of this dear lady, a neighbour, and a friend who will be missed by everyone who knew her.

Message de Arbour Monique 15 avril 2020

Sicères sympaties Beverly ainsi qu,a ta famille.J,ai connu ta maman au CHSLD alors que ton pêre était résidant.Elle était une femme très gentille et généreuse.Elle continura a veiller sur vous tous comme elle la toujours fait

Message de Peggy Imhoff 15 avril 2020

It is with heartfelt sympathies that I heard of Alda's passing.We went to school together
To all her Family and Friends my deepest condolences .
May she rest in peace.

Message de Liette Godin 15 avril 2020

sincères sympathies Beverly. Liette BMR New RICHMOND

Message de Walker 15 avril 2020

Deepest sympathy to all the family at this difficult time.

Ray & Ila Walker

Message de NATHALIE babin 15 avril 2020

Kim, Rodney et la famille nous vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances nos pensées vous accompagne dans ces moments difficile .Nathalie Babin compagne de travaille a la poissonnerie la coquille .

Message de Janice and jimmy 15 avril 2020

We send you our deepest sympathies 💔🙏🏼💔 May you all find the strength to get you through these difficult times ,, big hugs ,,,
Janice and jimmy

Message de Jessica Main-Denis and Trevor Renouf 15 avril 2020

We wish to send our sympathies to all the family. We are thinking of you during this difficult time.

Message de Diane Vignola 15 avril 2020

my deepest sympathies to Beverly Roxanne and all the family members. Thinking of you in those sad moments. xox
Diane and André

Message de Ethel and Lloyd Ward 15 avril 2020

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time.

Message de Monette et Marie-Louis Bourdages 15 avril 2020

Nos condoléances à toi Beverly et ta famille lors du décès de ta Maman ,elle sera ton Ange Gardien .

Message de Jacques Bujold et Suzette Paquet 15 avril 2020

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille

Message de Réal poirier etiennette ferlatte 15 avril 2020

Nos plus sincères sympathies Beverley et toute ta famille une mère c’est un grand chagrins on pense à toi xx

Message de Helene and Roland Beebe 15 avril 2020

We were sad to hear of your loss. We send our heartfelt condolences to all the family. Find comfort in knowing one day we will all be reunited again
Sincere sympathy

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