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In memory of
H.E. Hugh Journeaux
September 25, 1940 – January 28, 2024 - 83 years old
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Herbert Edward Hugh Journeaux in the very late hours, of Saturday, January 28, 2024. Dad passed away peacefully at his home in Port-Daniel with his wife Audrey and daughter Debbie by his side. Dad was 83 years old.

Dad was born in Port-Daniel to Lockhart Journeaux and Violet Dow in September of 1940. He is preceded in death by his parents, Lockhart and Violet, and his brother Jimmie. He is survived by his wife of 59 years Audrey (Fequet), his daughter Debbie and son Kirby, his grandchildren Katherine, Isabel and James, his older brothers, Dean (Sylvia) and Noel (Cela), his younger sisters, Enid (Lynden) and Joy (Bill) as well as many nieces and nephews and grand nieces and grand nephews. He was loved and deeply cherished by us all.

Dad sailed on the C.D. Howe to Northern Quebec and Nunavut communities, bringing supplies and providing healthcare and, in those sailings, crossed the arctic circle. He was a fisherman for 45 years until he retired in 2009.

His loss is deeply felt by all of us.

The funeral will be held this coming summer. Details will be made in due course.

Professional services have been entrusted to the Réjean Bélanger et fils Funeral Home Inc. a subsidiary of the HG Division network certified Distinction by the corporation des thanatologues du Quebec and by the Bureau de normalisation du Quebec.

The management and staff of HG Division offer their deepest condolences to the family and thank them for their trust.

C’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès d’Herbert Edward Hugh Journeaux aux heures très tardives du samedi 28 janvier 2024. Papa est décédé paisiblement à son domicile de Port-Daniel, entouré de sa femme Audrey et de sa fille Debbie.
Papa avait 83 ans.

Papa est né à Port-Daniel de Lockhart Journeaux et Violet Dow en septembre 1940. Il est précédé dans la mort par ses parents, Lockhart et Violet, et son frère Jimmie. Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse depuis 59 ans, Audrey (Fequet), sa fille Debbie et son fils Kirby, ses petits-enfants Katherine, Isabel et James, ses frères aînés, Dean (Sylvia) et Noel (Cela), ses sœurs cadettes, Enid (Lynden) et Joy (Bill) ainsi que plusieurs nièces et neveux et petites-nièces et petits-neveux. Nous l’aimions tous et le chérissions profondément.

Papa a navigué à bord du C.D. Howe jusqu’aux communautés du nord du Québec et du Nunavut, apportant des fournitures et fournissant des soins de santé, et au cours de ces traversées, il a traversé le cercle polaire arctique. Il a été pêcheur pendant 45 ans jusqu’à sa retraite en 2009.

Sa perte est profondément ressentie par nous tous. Les funérailles auront lieu l’été prochain.
Les détails seront communiqués en temps voulu.

Les services professionnels ont été confiés au Salon Funéraire Réjean Bélanger et fils inc., une filiale du réseau HG Division certifiée Distinction par la Corporation des thanatologues du Québec et par le Bureau de normalisation du Québec.

La direction et le personnel de HG Division offrent leurs plus sincères condoléances à la famille et la remercient pour sa confiance.
Message from Lise McInnis et ses enfants February 04, 2024

Les souvenirs resteront toujours. Nous vous offrons nos plus profondes sympathies .

Message from Gilberte Michel February 04, 2024

Sincères sympathies à toute sa famille.

Message from Madeleine Anglehart February 04, 2024

My deepest sympathies to all the family 💐

Message from Kenneth Ward February 04, 2024

Our sincere condolences to Audrey, Debbie, Kirby and families.
Ken & Christine (Fraser) Ward

Message from Marie Ange ange Joseph February 04, 2024

My sincere condolences Audrey, Debbie, Kirby and to the family. My thoughts are with you all.

Message from Monica Dea February 03, 2024

Audrey, Debbie, Kurby , Dean, Noel, Enid ,Joy ,
Our sincere condolences.
Monica & Johnny

Message from Dan and Elaine Huntington February 02, 2024

Sorry to hear of Hughie’s passing. Sending our most heartfelt sympathy to you and the Journeaux family.

Message from Freda and Gerald Scott February 02, 2024

Our sincere condolences

Message from Freda and Gerald Scott February 02, 2024

Our sincere condolences

Message from Dr Pierre Morissette Et Nicole Charpentier February 02, 2024

Sincères condoléances à Enid, Lynden and families.

Message from Cynthia Enright February 02, 2024

My condolences to all the families…..thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time

Message from Suzanne Jones February 02, 2024

My deepest sympathies to Audrey, Debbie and Kirby and the Journeuau's family.My thoughts and prayers are with you all in these sad moments.

Message from Tania Lee February 02, 2024

The many stories Jonathan has shared of his exploits with Uncle Hughie brought many tears of laughter over the years. May you memories bring a smile during difficult times and may the knowledge that you are in our thoughts and prayers be a source of comfort.

Message from Iva Journeau February 02, 2024

Thinking of your family during this difficult time. Sending you all comforting thoughts and prayers

Message from Paulette Jones February 01, 2024

My deepest sympathies to all the family.

Message from Gaston Duguay. Madeleine Quinn February 01, 2024

Nos sincères sympathies à toute la famille.🌹

Message from Fernand Chapados February 01, 2024

Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Message from Janique & Brent Hocquard February 01, 2024

Our deepest sympathies to all the family ⚘️

Message from F, Paule Roy and family February 01, 2024

Our most sincere condolences to you Audrey, and to the family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Message from John (Johnny) Dow & Ursula Dixon February 01, 2024

Our deepest sympathies to all the family. Sorry for your loss. I will always remember and cherish the many good times spent fishing with him and Dad for those few years we fished together.

Message from Billy and Mona Hayes Court February 01, 2024

Love and heartfelt sympathy to all of you. May God grant you peace and comfort in your lonely moments and strength for the journey.

Message from Ken Mann February 01, 2024

Very sorry to hear of Hugh’s passing. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Message from Darron et Chantal February 01, 2024

Nos plus sincères sympathies à toute la famille.💐

Message from Ursula & Dave Bisson February 01, 2024

Audrey, Debbie, Kirby & the Journeaux family,
Dave & I were saddened to hear of Hughie passing.
As a neighbour & ever present in my childhood, he leaves many wonderful memories for us all. May the passage of time heal your grief.
Our deepest sympathy.

Message from Terry Kruse and Lise Loisel February 01, 2024

Our sincere condolences to the whole family

Message from Mike Benwell February 01, 2024

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vers vous pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez.

Sachez que dans le deuil vous n'êtes pas seuls puisque vous pouvez compter sur notre sincère amitié.

Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condoléances

Message from Carol and Peter Almond February 01, 2024

Words cannot express how we felt when we heard of Hughie's passing. We send our deepest sympathies to Audrey, Debbie and Kirby and to the rest of the families, just know we are thinking of you all at this sad time. Hughie will be greatly missed by all! I can still remember his smile when we saw each other and he was so happy to see us. Peter has fond memories of him when he lived with him in the city and they would reminisce about it! He is at peace now!

Message from Christiane Joncas February 01, 2024

Si sorry to hear of Hugh's passing. My sincere sympathy to the family. 🙏🙏

Message from Christiane Joncas February 01, 2024

So sorry to hear of Hugh's passion. My sincere sympathy to the family. 🙏🙏

Message from Marjorie and Nevin February 01, 2024

We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of Mr. Hugh Journeaux. May the love and support of friends and family provide comfort during this difficult time.

Message from Beverly Gallan February 01, 2024

My sincere sympathies to all the family and friends 💕 hugs

Message from todd billingsley February 01, 2024

my sympathies

Message from Lana & Exore Duguay February 01, 2024

Our deepest sympathies

Message from Rita H. Maldemay January 31, 2024

My deepest condolences to all the family .

Message from Clermont Langlois et Fernande Brillant January 31, 2024

Nos pensées sont avec vous en ce temps de tristesse. Nous garderons toujours de beaux souvenirs de M. Journeaux.

Message from Ruth & Greg LeGrand January 31, 2024

Our sincere sympathy to the family.

Message from Guy Jiona January 31, 2024

My deepest condoléances to all the family .

Message from Marcella Gagnon Keays January 31, 2024

Most sincere condolences to all the family.
Marcella Gagnon Keays

Message from Leslie and Sharon Dow January 31, 2024

We were so sorry to hear of Hugh’s passing. We send our condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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