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In memory of
George Yip
November 03, 1941 – January 07, 2024 - 82 years old
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Mr. George Yip at the age of 82 years.

Predeceased by his parents and daughters Sally-Ann and Linda Yip.

He leaves behind:
his beloved wife Mrs. Dora Hunt,
his sons David (Nadine) and Ted (Donalyn),
his grandchildren Cheylyn, Malika, Danick, Rylee, and Addison,
his three brothers,
his sister,
his brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law,
many nieces, nephews, and other family members and friends.

As per his wishes, there will be no ceremony nor funeral service.

Donations can be made in memory of Mr. Georges Yip to the Gaspé Cancer Foundation.

The family would like to thank the personnel of the 7th Floor of the CISSS de la Gaspésie - Gaspé Hospital and the doctors who took great care of Mr. Yip.

Professional services have been entrusted to the Valere Fortin Funeral Home Inc., a subsidiary of the HG Division network certified Distinction by the Corporation des thanatologues du Quebec and by the Bureau de normalisation du Quebec.

The management and staff of HG Division offer their deepest condolences to the family and thank them for their trust.
Message from Nicole Trudel January 22, 2024

RIP Dear Georges

Message from Ann Chouinard January 14, 2024

My sincere sympathy to Linda and family.I have good memories with George and he was a very good cook

Message from Sylvie Lévesque January 13, 2024

C'est avec tristesse que j'offre mes sincères condoléances à Dora et sa famille.
J'aurai toujours comme souvenir sa bonté et sa bonne humeur.
Reposes en paix George.
Sylvie Lévesque

Message from Clément Synnott et Diane Whittom January 13, 2024

Our deepestsympathies to all the family he Will be in your hearts forever

Message from Denyse Synnott ET Denis Poirier January 12, 2024

Les souvenirs resteront toujours. Nous vous offrons nos plus profondes sympathies en ces moments difficiles. Que nos pensées vous accompagnent dans cette épreuve. Bon courage afin de surmonter une si pénible épreuve !

Message from Brad and Janice Syvret January 11, 2024

Nice man, great cook. Best egg rolls we’ve eaten!
So sorry to hear this news. RIP George Yip.
Deepest sympathies to all of his family…😞
From Janice and Brad

Message from Judith Reeder January 11, 2024

My deepest sympathy Dora and to all the family. I have so many really good memories of George especially from working with him and of course eating his delicious cooking. His egg rolls were the best and his chicken curry was my favourite. He would make it for me even though it wasn't on the menu! He was a friend and he will be missed.

Message from Chantal Lebreux January 10, 2024

Ma chère Madame Dora,
Je vous souhaite mes plus sincères sympathies à vous et votre famille ! Je garderai toujours en souvenir de Monsieur Georges la passion de la cuisine !

À bientôt et mes plus douces pensées vous accompagnent

Message from Holly Hackett January 10, 2024

My sincere sympathies Dora, David and Ted and family. George was certainly a gentleman and will be missed by all who knew him.

Message from Bonita Annett January 10, 2024

Deepest sympathy to you all at this sad time. Mr. Yip introduced Chinese food to Gaspe. We will always remember his good cooking. May he rest peacefully.

Message from Allan et Léonette Adams January 10, 2024

Nous voulons offrir nos plus sincères condoléances, à toute la famille de Monsieur Yip.
Un homme spécial, toujours de bonne humeur. Ses mets chinois, excellents. Un grand homme.
Nos pensées et nos prières sont avec vous tous.
Allan et Léonette🌹

Message from Ted and Gayle Cotton January 10, 2024

Our deepest sympathies to you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.

Message from Elaine Cullen January 10, 2024

Mes sympathies à la famille.

Lors de la perte d'un être cher, notre peine est immense. Dans ces moments de douleurs profondes, toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent. Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Message from Embert Whittom January 10, 2024

À la famille et aux proches,
Ma famille se joint à moi pour vous transmettre nos plus sincères condoléances.

Message from Armande Boudreau January 10, 2024

C’est avec une grande tristesse que j’apprends le décès de Georges
Mes plus sincères sympathies Dora et à ta famille et amis
Je garde tellement un bon souvenir de ce Georges

Message from dorothee whittom soucy January 10, 2024

En espérant que les souvenirs de cet être cher à vos yeux puissent vous apporter la paix intérieure et vous réconforter.

Nos plus sincères condoléances en ces temps de profonde tristesse.

Message from Nelly and Norman Hunt January 10, 2024

Deepest sympathies to Nora ,David and Ted our thoughts are with you.

Message from Janet Adams January 10, 2024

My deepest condolences to Mrs yip and all the family

Message from Maryse Ouellet January 10, 2024

Que de beaux souvenirs, depuis le petit resto au bout de la rue de la Reine jusqu’à la salle à manger du Carrefour Gaspé.
Un homme toujours de bonne humeur et sa cuisine excellente. Mes sympathies à toute la famille.
Maryse Ouellet

Message from Lise Bossé January 10, 2024

Mes plus Sincères Condoléances à la famille de Mr Yip.
Bon Courage

Message from Gina et Donald January 10, 2024

OMG - What a surprise this morning ...

We will always remember you for your delicious chinese food and always a happy man!!!

Our thoughts are with your wife, David and Ted

RIP dear Georges

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