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In memory of
Dale Elizabeth Duthie St-Onge
February 05, 1947 – December 23, 2022 - 75 years old
On Friday, December 23rd, 2022, Dale Duthie St. Onge died peacefully at Maria hospital. She was 75 years old. Predeceased by her parents Audrey (Sinclair) and Bobbie Duthie, sister Kay and brothers Hawley and Gordon.

Dale is survived by her husband of 55 years, Pat St Onge, her children Tanya (Kurt), Junior (Diane) and grandchildren Delaney & Abby.

She also leaves to mourn her sisters Joan (Carl) & Helen, little brother Larry (Darlene), brothers and sisters in law, many nieces and nephews as well as countless friends, that she considered family.

Dale also held a very special place in her heart for all who knew her as Nana Dale.

The family will receive condolences on Thursday, December 29th, from 7 pm to 9 pm and Friday, December 30st, from 10 am to 10:45 am at the Henri Thibodeau Funeral Home in New Richmond.

Funeral will be held at St. Andrew's United Church in New Richmond on Friday, December 30 at 11am.

In memory of Dale, donations can be made to the future project of Maison de Soins Palliatifs de la Baie-des-Chaleurs.

Professional services have been entrusted to the Henri Thibodeau Funeral Home Inc. a subsidiary of the HG Division network certified Distinction by the Corporation des Thanatologues du Quebec and by the Bureau de normalisation du Quebec.

The management and staff of HG Divsion offer their deepest condolences to the family and thank them for their trust.
Message from Virginia Robertson January 13, 2023

It is with sadness that I learned of Dale's death. I am sending my sincere sympathy to the members of her family who I know will dearly miss her. Dale was a childhood friend and classmate of mine. I remember her as someone who was always pleasant, positive and thoughtful. I have many fond memories of Dale from our growing up years! I hope her family finds solace in the many happy memories they have of their time spent together! Thinking of all of Dale's family as they travel through this initial period of grief.

Message from Sylvie Beaulieu January 04, 2023

Bon voyage Mme Élisabeth et mes sympathies à Mr Pat ainsi qu'à toutes la famille Mme Élisabeth vous étiez une grande battante je me suis attaché à vous et votre départ m'a surprise quand je suis arrivé au travail ce fut un grand plaisir de vous donner les soins je ne vous dit pas à dieu mais ce n'est qu'un aurevoir. Préposé du manoir du havre Sylvie

Message from Andrea & Roderic Sexton January 02, 2023

En espérant que les souvenirs de cet être cher à vos yeux puissent vous apporter la paix intérieure et vous réconforter.

Nos plus sincères condoléances en ces temps de profonde tristesse.

Message from Louise Cyr December 30, 2022

Verry sorry to learn the passing of D’ale.

Message from Guy et Francine December 30, 2022

Sinceres condoleances a Pat, aux enfants, ainsi qu aux familles Duthie et St Onge

Message from Denis LeBlanc et Denyse Cyr December 30, 2022

Sincères condoléances Pat, Tanya et Junior ainsi que la famille Duthie et St-Onge. Nos pensées vous accompagnent.

Message from Cyrus and Iva Journeau December 30, 2022

Our sincere sympathy to you Pat, Junior, Tanya, and all your
loved ones. May she now rest in peace. Cy and Iva

Message from Denis landry December 30, 2022

Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille St onge .

Message from Gerald and Freda Scott December 30, 2022

Please accept our sincere condolences

Message from Jean-Pierre Querry et Diane December 29, 2022

Nos sympathies Pat et à toute la famille

Message from Mary Robertson December 29, 2022

My sympathy to all the family.

Message from Merzel Connors December 29, 2022

Sincere condolences to Pat, family and friends of Dale.

Message from lorraine Robertson December 29, 2022

Sympathy Pat, Junior, Tania and all the Family. Dale was such a special lady to all of us and will be missed....RIP

Message from Gail Martin-Harrison and Murray December 29, 2022

Our sincere condolences to the family.

Message from Joanne Roy December 29, 2022

My deepest sympathie to the family and friends.

Message from Richard and Debra Hardy December 29, 2022

Our deepest condolences to pat and the family. Dale will be deeply missed !!
Dale was an angel here on earth and now an angel in heaven!

Message from Ethel and Lloyd Ward December 29, 2022

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time

Message from Suzanne Gagne December 29, 2022

Sincères condoléances Pat, à tes enfants et aux deux familles.
Bon courage.

Message from Marc-André Bernard et Diane Bujold December 29, 2022

À toi Pat et ta famille, nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous dans cette période douloureuse. Nos sincères sympathies.
Marc-André et Diane

Message from Judy Patterson December 28, 2022

Sincere condolences to Pat, Tanya, Junior and families: to Joanie, Helen, Larry and families in the loss of your very special loved one. Dale was such a loving, caring lady and so courageous in her struggles over the past years. Friends since Grade 8 we shared a lot over the years - lots of stories and memories over many pots of coffee. Your struggles are over now Dale - Rest In Peace, memories will always be in my heart.

Message from Colleen & Robert December 28, 2022

Our sincere condolences Pat, Joan, Helen, Larry and families.

Message from Shirley Carroll-Batty December 28, 2022

Dear Pat and family,
May it help to know that our prayers, thoughts and sincere sympathy are with you all at this time as you mourn the loss of a loved one! May beautiful memories…give you Strength in these difficult hours!
Shirley Carroll and William Batty

Message from Connie Fairservice December 28, 2022

My deepest sympathy to Pat ,Tanya, Junior and all the StOnge and Duthie family. May she rest in peace.

Message from Ann Carroll & Bernard Blanchard December 28, 2022

Pat, Tanya, Junior & family
Our deepest sympathies and all warmest love.
Take care ❤

Message from Jacques Arbour & Lisette Arsenault December 28, 2022

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille

Message from Rejeanne et Gaston Boudreau December 28, 2022

Nous sympathisons avec toi et at famille pour le décès de Dale .Ses souffrances sont finies et elle va être votre etoile dans le ciel
Bon courage Patsy
Rejeanne et Gaston B

Message from Lena and Frankie December 28, 2022

Deepest condolences to Pat, Tanya, Junior and the Duthie family. Dale was an inspiration to all and is now a shining Starr. Love to all!

Message from Roxanne Boudreau December 28, 2022

My deepest sympathies to all the family.

Message from Yvette Martel Conjointe de Ron Mccormick December 28, 2022

Même si la distance rend ma présence à vos côtés impossible, je tenais à vous faire parvenir une pensée sincère de sympathie.

Lors de la perte d'un être cher, notre peine est immense. Dans ces moments de douleurs profondes, toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent. Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Message from Linda Tozer & Edgar Ritchie December 28, 2022

Sincere condolences Pat and family.

Message from Sharon LeGrand December 28, 2022

Sending deepest sympathy to all the families.

Message from JEAN GUY POIRIER December 28, 2022

Sinceres condoléances a toi Pat et a toute ta famille

Message from joy woodman gilles leblanc December 28, 2022

sinceres condoleances a Pat et a ta famille

Message from Monique Cyr et Gilles Gagné December 28, 2022

Sincères condoléances Pat tes enfants et aux deux familles

Message from Martine Boudreau December 28, 2022

Sincères condoléances Pat, Tanya, Junior, aux familles Duthie et St-Onge. Dale avait un courage remarquable. Elle est maintenant votre ange gardien.

Message from Jean Arthur Leblanc et Léandra Bernard December 28, 2022

Nos condoléances à toi Pat et ta famille
Ainsi qu'à la famille Duthie

Message from Sylvie Boudreau December 28, 2022

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vers vous pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez.

Sachez que dans le deuil vous n'êtes pas seuls puisque vous pouvez compter sur notre sincère amitié.

Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condoléances.

Message from Clément Deschênes December 28, 2022

Sincères condoléances à toi Pat et à vos deux enfants.

Message from Gérard Audet December 28, 2022

Sincère sympathies à toi et à toute ta famille

Message from Elmina Wedge December 28, 2022

My deepest sympathies Pat, Junior, Tanya & family, and also to Dale s siblings, and their family. Dale was a shining light, very gentle and kind. She will be missed by all her loving friends. RIP.

Message from June Cormier-Stoba December 27, 2022

So sorry & sad to hear of Dale’s passing. She was such a special lady so gentle, kind & caring always with a smile on her face. I was so honoured to have her as a friend and also a relative. Our sincere condolences to Pat, Tanya, Junior, & all of the Family. She was so proud of all of you & will be missed by all who knew her. Lovely Dale, we will hold your memory close to our heart forever. Rest In Peace. June & Paul.

Message from Alisha O’Neill December 27, 2022

Dear Dale - Werner and I were so sad to hear of your passing. We were incredibly grateful to you and Pat when we joined the family with Nanny (Aunt Sybil), Auntie Angie, and Auntie Linda at the Sinclair Family Reunion. We will forever cherish the memories with you, sitting on the deck with good food and even better company. May you rest in peace now, until we can meet again. Love, Alisha

Message from Gerald Leblanc Denise Boudreau December 27, 2022

Sincères condoléances à Pat, tes enfants, soeurs et frère.
Bon voyage Dale
Bon courage Pat.

Message from Blake and Starr Sinclair December 27, 2022

Our deepest sympathy Pat and all the family. Dale was a great person and will be greatly missed.

Message from Cecil and Irma Mann December 27, 2022

Dear Pat and family, We have lost a dear ,special friend that we are so fortunate to have known. She will always be in our hearts. God bless you all.

Message from Donna Carroll Merrilees December 27, 2022

Dear Pat and family. What a fight and determination Dale had in her struggles with her illness these past many years. It speaks volumes of the type of person she was.
As you move forward , know that the pain of missing Pat, will be a beautiful reminder of the joy of having loved her. My sincere condolences to you and your families.

Message from Lee & Gloria Sinclair December 27, 2022

We were so sorry to hear of Dale's passing, not only was she a relative, she was a special friend.Her kind caring ways, spoke volumes of the life she lived.
Our sincere condolences Pat and family, Joan, Helen and Larry.

Message from Rev. Doreen and Mike Daley December 27, 2022

So sorry to hear of your loss - I remember Dale when I was her minister - she has had quite a struggle over the years - our prayer is that memories of her will keep her close to your hearts forevermore

Message from Joyce & James Brash December 27, 2022

Our sincere condolences to the family.

Message from Sheila Martin December 27, 2022

So very sorry for your loss. My sincere sympathy to the family

Message from Allan Forster December 27, 2022

My condolences to the family

Message from Beverly Brazier December 27, 2022

I have such wonderful memories of Dale: her kindness to me and to so many, working with her at the church, and her friendship. My deepest condolences to all of her family. May she rest in peace and power in the arms of the Mystery.

Message from Cathy Robertson Gary Harrison December 27, 2022

Our deepest sympathy

Message from Helen Campbell Danny Lemieux December 27, 2022

our sincere sympathies are sent to the family. Also the Duthie family. Our prayers are with you all at this sad time. RIP Dale. you deserve your rest.

Message from Wendy Willett December 27, 2022

Our deepest sympathies too Pat, Tanya, Junior and family. Dale was such a lovely person, kind and gentle. Elsie and Wendy Willett

Message from Andrew and Ksenija December 27, 2022

Nothing said could possibly ease the pain of losing someone as special as Dale. A devoted wife, a loving mother, a proud Nana, a caring sister, and a good friend. Each of us who knew Dale will forever hold a special place in our hearts for her radiant smile and bright soul. Dale's unwavering strength continues to be a source of inspiration to so many of us. She will be missed dearly.

We all send our heartfelt condolences and love to the entire family. Thinking of you all.

Message from Lou leblanc December 27, 2022

My deepest sympathy Pat and to all the family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Dale will be missed but shes there in spirit

Message from Maureen Sinclair December 27, 2022

My Thoughts & prayers going out to Pat , Junior & Tanya & families , Rest In Peace Dale ,

Message from Jacqueline et Gilles Boissonnault December 27, 2022

Sincères sympathies à toi et à toute ta famille

Message from Boudreau Bertrand et Delisca December 27, 2022

Même si la distance rend ma présence à vos côtés impossible, je tenais à vous faire parvenir une pensée sincère de sympathie.

Lors de la perte d'un être cher, notre peine est immense. Dans ces moments de douleurs profondes, toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent. Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Message from Angèle Leblanc December 27, 2022

A toute votre famille vous avez toutes
mes sympathies ❤️

Message from Cyr Angela December 27, 2022

So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. She was a very kind and loving woman. Courage. Angela xx

Message from Nancy Chalmers December 27, 2022

My condolences to your family

Message from Réal Carol Babin December 27, 2022

C'est avec regret que nous apprenons le déces de ton épouse.We wish to offer you and family our sincere condolences.

Message from Muriel St-Onge Hoffman December 27, 2022

Dear Pat,Tanya and Junior ,
Our deepest condolences are sent to all of you!
We hope you can take comfort is knowing Dale's pain is now over! Big hugs to all of you. Love,Muriel and Ann

Message from sybil & ralph mitchell December 27, 2022

Our sincere Condolences to the family!Même si la distance rend ma présence à vos côtés impossible, je tenais à vous faire parvenir une pensée sincère de sympathie.

Lors de la perte d'un être cher, notre peine est immense. Dans ces moments de douleurs profondes, toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent. Mes plus sincères condoléances.

To show your sympathy for the death of Dale Elizabeth Duthie St-Onge, you are invited to choose from the foundations selected by the family.
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