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In memory of
Christopher Journeau
April 17, 1968 – May 19, 2022 - 54 years old
It is with deep sorrow that our family announces the passing of Christopher Cyrus Journeau born April 17th,1968.

After spending 25 years in a coma, Christopher passed away peacefully at home on Thursday, May 19th. He was a dearly loved son of Iva and Cyrus, father of Timothy (Julie), grandfather of Sunny, brother of Tania Lee (Richard), Jonathan (Nadine) and uncle of Jhordan.

The family would like to extend our appreciation to Wynita Wylie and Claude Denis for the care and love they provided Christopher and our family during the 24 years that Christopher was with us at home.

A special thank-you to Dr. Jean-Louis Levesque for his devotion to Christopher’s care over the course of this journey.

Family will receive your condolences at the Saint Andrews Anglican Church, New Carlisle on Saturday July 23, 2022 from 1 p.m - 2 p.m..
Funeral at 2 p.m.

Please take note that following the the Funeral, the burial will take place at the Saint James Anglican Cemetery in Port Daniel on the same day..

In lieu of flowers, a gift can be made to the Montreal Neurological Hospital.

Say not in grief that he is no more but live in thankfulness that he was.

Professional services have been entrusted to the Henri Thibodeau Funeral Home Inc. a subsidiary of the HG Division network certified Distinction by the corporation des thanatologues du Quebec and by the Bureau de normalisation du Quebec

The management and staff of HG Divsion offer their deepest condolences to the family and thank them for their trust.
Message from Kim Eidge August 27, 2022

I’m so sad to hear this news as I was when I heard about the accident that caused this. I would spend every summer in New Carlisle while growing up and had the privilege of knowing Christopher. May he Rest In Peace!

Message from Stella FLowers July 17, 2022

My sincere sympathies to the family.

Message from Dow July 16, 2022

My deepest condolences to all the family

Lors de la perte d'un être cher, notre peine est immense. Dans ces moments de douleurs profondes, toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent. Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Message from Stephen & Denise (Dallain) Doherty July 16, 2022

Dear Mr & Mr Journeau, Timothy & Family, Tanya-Lee, Jonathan and your Families, as well as his caregivers Mrs Wylie and Mr Denis, we offer you our most sincere sympathies. Your family has been such an example of what being a family is about, love and being there for each other. Our thoughts and prayer are with you at this difficult time xo

Message from Benoit Maltais Micheline Dorion June 28, 2022

nous vous offrons nos plus sincere condoléances mr et mme journeau et tous la familles

Message from Legros-Wise June 10, 2022

Dear Iva and Cyrus,
To you and all your loved ones, please accept our sincere sympathy.
Enid and Roger

Message from Kenneth Ward June 09, 2022

Cyrus, Iva and the entire family we offer our sincere sympathy. May God's blessing be with you all at this time.
Ken & Chris (Fraser) Ward

Message from Dominique Leger and Gilles Lamy June 05, 2022

Sinceres sympathies to the Journeau family.

Message from Céline Poirier June 01, 2022

Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of your dear son Christopher. Mr. and Mrs. Journeau and family, you have my respect for such love and care you have given him for so many years. R.I.P. Céline Poirier

Message from Gabrielle Gagné and William Allmand June 01, 2022

We wish the family our deepest sympathy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Message from Sylvain Albert June 01, 2022

My sincères sympathies to the family.

Message from Lise loisel and Terry Kruse June 01, 2022

Our sincere condolences to the whole family

Message from Mike and Brandon Chesser May 31, 2022

One day we will be reunited in heaven with our departed loved ones. “ Memory is one gift from God, that death cannot destroy.” R.I.P. Christopher.

Message from Gisele Gallibois May 31, 2022

My deepest sympathies to all of you.

I have fond memories of Chris being at UNB in PHED. Chris was a very gifted athlete and had a great welcoming personality.

Gisele Gallibois

Nos plus sincères condoléances en ces temps de profonde tristesse.

Message from Solange & Francis Moran May 31, 2022

Our sincere sympathy to all the family.

Message from Joanne Trussler May 31, 2022

My thoughts are with you and your family, Tania. Wishing you peace and serenity as you grieve your loss, Joanne

Message from Guy Jiona May 31, 2022

Je vous offre mes sincères condoléances, repose en paix mon cher ami.

Message from Lise Duchesneau & Gilles Roussy May 30, 2022

Nous vous offrons nos plus Sincères Sympathies Mr & Mme Journeau, ainsi qu'à toute la famille, nos pensées vous accompagnent .

Message from Robert Levesque et Francine Lessard May 30, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances.
Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous.

Message from Kathy Watt and Leah Watt May 29, 2022

Cyrus, Iva, Timothy, and family members,

Our deepest sympathy to all during this sad time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Kathy and Leah.

Message from Huguette et Aldege Loisel May 29, 2022

Nos plus sinceres condoléances a toute la famille Bon courage

Message from Diane Castilloux May 29, 2022

Nos sincères sympathies à toute la famille en particulier à Johanne et Timothy on pense à vous très fort xx

Message from Paulette JonesMy May 28, 2022

My deepest sympathies to all thé family.

Message from David and Lori Young May 28, 2022

Our deepest sympathy to the family on your loss.

Message from Sharon LeGrand May 28, 2022

Deepest condolences to the family.

Message from Suzanne Jones May 28, 2022

My deepest sympathies to all family members. My thoughts and prayers are with you .

Message from Connie Starnes May 28, 2022

My sympathies to all his family and friends.

Message from Freda and Gerald Scott May 28, 2022

Our deepest condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Message from Denise et Robert Blanchard May 28, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille , nous sommes les beaux parents de Claude Denis

Message from May 27, 2022

Oh! so very very sad he die, the angel will watch over him in the heaven where our god lived oh so sad my god!

Message from Kenneth and Sarah Duguay May 27, 2022

So saddened to hear of Christopher’s passing. We wish all the family comfort and strength at this very difficult time.
Ken and Sarah(Sullivan)Duguay

Message from Doris Anglehart & Luc Loisel May 27, 2022

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Message from Robert and Glenna Renouf May 27, 2022

To Cyrus, Iva and family you have our deepest sympathy on the loss of Christopher. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Message from Monica Allard May 27, 2022

Mes sincères sympathies à la famille, j'ai de bons souvenirs de Chris avec qui j'ai travaillé à la pépinière, joué au baseball et baigné au malin.
*Belle photo de Chris
Je vous ai dans mes pensées xox

Message from Carole Hachez May 27, 2022

Mes sympathies à toute la famille.Je garde de très bons souvenirs de Chris.Repose en paix mon ami. 🙏🌷

Message from Fernand Chapados May 27, 2022

Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Message from Gérard Porlier May 27, 2022

My sympathy to you Cyrus and your wife, you gave a lot of love to your son,Christopher.

Message from MARIELLE BLAIS May 27, 2022

Mes sympathies aux familles 🥀🥀repose en paix 🥀

Message from Lise Leclerc ( retired from Laurentian Bank) May 27, 2022

My deepest sympathies to all the families.

Message from Andrée Lepage May 27, 2022

My deepest sympathy to Iva, Cyrus and family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult moment.

Message from Leslie & Sharon Dow May 26, 2022

Our condolences Cyrus, Iva and family. Our thoughts are with you.

Message from Lyne Nicolas May 26, 2022

Je garde de bons souvenirs de Christopher. Il venait faire son p’tit tour lorsque je travaillais à la Maison Blanche en 1994. Il était une belle et bonne personne. J’offre mes plus sincères sympathies à la famille ! De tout cœur avec vous !

Message from Linda and Robert Chapados May 26, 2022

Our deepest sympathies Iva, Cyrus, Tania Lee and family, Jonathan and Timothy. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Message from Elaine and Dan Huntington May 26, 2022

Deepest Sympathy to all your family at this sad time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Message from Ruth and Jean Goyette May 26, 2022

Our thoughts are with you ,sending our deepest sympathy

Message from Danielle et Jean Becu May 26, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Message from Jacques Parent May 26, 2022

Mes très sincères condoléances Madame Iva et Monsieur Cyrus ainsi que toute la famille ! Vous avez toute mon admiration pour le courage et la résilience dont vous avez fait preuve au cours de toutes ces années d’assistance à Christopher. Sans doute, il veillera sur vous !

Message from Kelly Imhoff May 26, 2022

My sincere condolences to the family. Thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Message from Jacques Cloutier May 26, 2022

Toutes mes sympathies a la famille,

Message from Burne & Leah Gilker May 26, 2022

our sincere condolences to the family,may he rest in peace

Message from Simone Anglehart May 26, 2022

Mes sympathies a la famille

Message from Lee and Gloria Sinclair May 26, 2022

Our sincere condolences to all the family.

Message from Jacqueline et Henri Leblanc May 26, 2022

Our sincere sympathies to the family.

Message from May 26, 2022

My thoughts and prayers are with the Journeau family at this difficult time

Message from Beverley Flowers May 26, 2022

My sincere condolences to Christopher's family

Message from Pauline Joey Benwell May 26, 2022

Our sincere sympathy to the family

Message from Sheila hocquard May 26, 2022

My deepest sympathy to the family my prayers are with you.

Message from Arlene imhoff May 26, 2022

My sincere sympathy

Message from Blake & Starr Sinclair May 26, 2022

Our sincere sympathy to the family.

Message from Yvonne Lebrasseur May 26, 2022

Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Message from John Flowers & Family May 26, 2022

Our deepest sympathy to all his Family and friends. I will forever cherish all our childhood memories.
Psalm 34:18 “ The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

Message from Stephen Duguay May 26, 2022

My deepest sympathy to all the family.

Message from Diane Parisé & Gilles Horth May 26, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille

Message from Johanne Delarosbil May 26, 2022

Mes sympathies à toute la famille bon courage. Bon voyage mon ami Christ tu resteras gravé sur mon coeur

Message from Richard Poirier May 26, 2022

To the family, receive my deepest sympathy!

Message from Labourdette Mona May 25, 2022

Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille!

Steve Loisel et Mona Labourdette

Message from Thérèse et Jean Claude Loisel May 25, 2022

Sinsères Condoléances à toute la Famille

Message from Louisette et Omer Horth May 25, 2022

Mes sincères sympathies à toute la famille

Message from Réjeanne et Laurier Huard May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères sympathies à Mme Journeau et à toute la famille. Je garde de lui un très beau souvenir.

Message from Rita Maldemay May 25, 2022

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille

Message from Sylvie Cayouette & Vaughn Renouf May 25, 2022

Our deepest sympathy to the Journeau family.
RIP Christopher.

Message from Liette et Norbert Joseph May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille!

Message from Brenda Flowers Glencross May 25, 2022

Dear Cy, Iva and family. My sincere sympathies on the passing of your dear Christopher. May he rest easy in the arms of the angels. Hugs.

Message from Raynelle et Clément Coulombe May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille ainsi qu'aux proches. Bon courage dans cette épreuve

Message from Nadine Allard May 25, 2022

Mes sympathies à toute la famille ⚘

Message from Camille Horth et Marielle Joseph May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Message from Doucet Délisca May 25, 2022

Mes plus sincères condoléances madame et monsieur Journeau.

Message from Charlene Dow May 25, 2022

My deepest sympathy to all the family at this very difficult time.

Message from Lise Poirier & Léonard Thériault May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères sympathies à la famille.

Message from Marjolaine delarosbil May 25, 2022

Nos plus sinceres condoleances a toute la famille et j’ai travaille avec a la pepiniere

Message from Kevin Ward May 25, 2022

Deepest condolences to all of the Journeau family in the passing of Chris from our family.May he Rest In Peace.

Message from Francine Huard May 25, 2022

À toute la famille, mes plus sincères condoléances.💐

Message from Edith and Warren Jr. MacKenzie May 25, 2022

Sincere sympathy to all the family at this sad time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Message from Chantal Horth/Christian Bujold May 25, 2022

Mes sympathies à toute la famille, à Timothy et Johanne RIP 🙏❤

Message from Tina Astles May 25, 2022

Our entire family send their Sympathy......GOD BLESS

Message from Lise Chouinard May 25, 2022

Sincères sympathies à toute la famille

Message from Duguay Lana & Eore May 25, 2022

Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this sad time You have our deepest sympathies xx

Message from Léone Horth/Henri Alain May 25, 2022

Toutes nos sincères condoléances aux familles Journeau,Monroe, son fils, ses amis et ses proches un repos bien mérité maintenant il repose en paix...

Message from Clovis Lola et Katrine May 25, 2022

Nos sympathies les plus sincères à toute votre magnifique famille xxx

Message from Sandra Lyons Crowley May 25, 2022

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Journeau and family, thinking about you at this very difficult time. Our deepest condolences on the loss of your dear Chris. May he be, now, at peace…sending much love and hugs to all 🤗🤗

Message from David et Nadine Castilloux May 25, 2022

En espérant que les souvenirs de cet être cher à vos yeux puissent vous apporter la paix intérieure et vous réconforter.

Nos plus sincères condoléances en ces temps de profonde tristesse.

Message from MR.and Mrs.Michael Major May 25, 2022

Our deepest sympathy 🙏

Message from Dalila Germain Poirier May 25, 2022

nos plus sinceres condoleances a toute votre familles

Message from Jannett Beebe-Main May 25, 2022

Our heartfelt sympathy to Iva, Cyrus, Timothy, Tania Lee, Jonathan and families. You are in our thoughts and prayers. With love, Jannett & Randy

Message from Elsie Marsh May 25, 2022

Iva, Cyrus and family members,
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Sincere condolences.

Message from Susan and Michael Beebe May 25, 2022

Our deepest sympathies to all your family.

Message from Solange st-onge May 25, 2022

Mes sympathies à toute la famille je garde un très bon souvenir un bon compagnon de travail bon repos et bon voyage xxx

Message from Linda Delarosbil et Denis Whittom May 25, 2022

Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères sympathies et partageons votre peine bon courage dans cette épreuve. 🌹🌹🌹

Message from Carmen Lebrasseur May 25, 2022

May our thaughts and prayers confort all the family and friends,in this very difficult time...

Your beloved Christopher lives in you...

Our deepest sympathy to all the family and friends.

Gisèle and Omer Lebrasseur,and their children .

Message from Johanne Savoie May 25, 2022

Sincères condoléances aux familles éprouvées. Pensées et prières vous accompagnent en ces moments difficiles.

Message from Linda Denis May 25, 2022

Mes sincères sympathies à toute la famille de Christopher je garde de lui de très bons souvenirs. Repose toi maintenant et veille sur les tiens xxx

Message from Gaetancorbet May 25, 2022

Les souvenirs resteront toujours. Nous vous offrons nos plus profondes sympathies en ces moments difficiles. Que nos pensées vous accompagnent dans cette épreuve. Bon courage afin de surmonter une si pénible épreuve !

Message from Roy Morris May 25, 2022

My sincere sympathies Cyrus

Message from Hélène Chouinard et Roy Whittom May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères sympathies à la famille.

Message from Sylvie Parisé May 25, 2022

Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille

Message from Sharon D. Renouf May 25, 2022

Cy, Iva & family. May fond memories of Chris be a source of comfort. My sincere sympathy.

Message from Rod & Sonya May 25, 2022

Our sincere condolences to the family… May he Rest In Peace

Message from Elaine Bujold Cochrane May 25, 2022

My deepest sympathy to the family. Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Message from Georgette Lamy May 25, 2022

Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille

Message from Diane Aubut May 25, 2022

Mes sincères condoléances à la famille

Message from Fernand Alain May 25, 2022

Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille.

Message from Madeleine Anglehart May 25, 2022

My deepest sympathies to the family 💐

Message from May 25, 2022

À vous ses parents qui l'ont tant aimé, puisse la grâce et la bénédiction du ciel vous apportent consolations et résilience dans ce triste destin qu'a vécu Christopher.
À tous ceux et celles qui se sont dévoués auprès de lui, remerciements. Prions pour son repos éternel.

Message from Danielle Bélanger May 25, 2022

Mes sympathies à toute la famille je garde de bon souvenirs de Christopher

Message from Denise Babin et Michel Arsenault May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères sympathies à la famille.🌾

Message from Judy & Gary May 25, 2022

Our deepest sympathies Iva, Cyrus & families, our hearts are with you at this time. 🙏

Message from Josette Castilloux May 25, 2022

Mes condoléances Timothy ainsi qu'à ta famille....

Message from Linda Grenier et Pierre Paul Savoie May 25, 2022

Our deepest sympathies to the families

Message from M.Mme Émile Joseph (Diane) May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances à vous M.Mme Journeau, à Timothy son fils adoré, Tanya et Jonathan, nous sommes avec vous tous dans ces moments de tristesses

Message from Maureen Sinclair May 25, 2022

My Deepest Sympathies to the families .

Message from Betty and Art MacPherson May 25, 2022

To Iva and Cyrus and all family members, we offer our sincere condolences .

Message from Dr Pierre Morissette et Nicole Charpentier May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances à vous M. et Mme Journeau, ainsi que votre famille.

Message from Nicole Quinn May 25, 2022

Mes sincères condoléances à la famille et nombreux amis! Je souligne votre courage et d'avoir gardé espoir pendant toutes ces années. Repose en paix Christopher! ⚘️

Message from Lucette Bourdages May 25, 2022

A toute la famille de M Cyrus j’offre mes sincères condoléances pour le décès de votre fils

Message from Marilyn Mccartney May 25, 2022

We are so sorry for your loss..our deepest condolences to the family. .know your in our thoughts and prayers..God only takes the best to be his Angel..xx xR.I.P. Chris on earth you were so loved

Message from Lucille Roussy/ Simon Larocque May 25, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille.

Message from Colette Bélanger May 25, 2022

Je suis de tout ❤️avec vous dans ce passage de votre Vie.

Message from Brenda Fitzgerald May 25, 2022

My deepest sympathies to the family. My love is sent to everyone during this difficult time. So very sorry for your loss.

Message from Ethel and Lloyd Ward May 25, 2022

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thinking about you all in this difficult time.

Message from Michel Lebrasseur May 25, 2022

Mes sincères sympathies à la famille

To show your sympathy for the death of Christopher Journeau, you are invited to choose from the foundations selected by the family.
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