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In memory of
Lila McGregor
December 28, 1932 – February 13, 2022 - 89 years old
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mrs. Lila McGregor at the age of 89 years and 2 months at the CISSS de la Gaspésie, CHSLD Mgr Ross on February 13 th.

Predeceased by her beloved husband Mr. Allen Smith and her daughter Bertha Smith Conoley.
Predeceased by her sisters: Hildred, Lydia, Mareing and her brothers: Wilson ,Elmer, Lionel, Kenneth, Irving and Hector.

She leaves behind :
her children : Ellen (Pat), Gloria, Gail-Ann (Jean), Caroline (Louis), Tara-Ann (Sylvain);
her grandchildren : Julie, Craig, Kayla, Ryan, Eric, Dominique, Joelle, Kamélie, Shane, Maya;
her great-grandchildren : Conan, Emilia, Lilah;
her sisters : Kathleen, Clariss, Rena (Gérald);
her sisters-in-law : Edna and Dieunette;
her brothers-in-law : Harris, Clement (Gilberte);
many nieces, nephews, other family members and friends.

A private ceremony will be held in the funeral home in Gaspé on Wednesday, February 16, at 7 p.m. The ceremony will be available for viewing on the HG Division website. The webcast will be available at 8 pm.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in memory of Mrs. Lila McGregor to the Fondation Santé Côte-de-Gaspé.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Valère Fortin Funeral Home in Gaspé, a subsidiary of the HG Division network awarded DIstinction by the Corporation of Thanatologists of Québec and BNQ-certified by the Bureau de Normalisation du Québec.

HG Division management and staff offer their deepest condolences to the family.


Au CISSS de la Gaspésie, CHSLD Mgr Ross, le 13 février 2022, est décédée à l'âge de 89 ans et 2 mois, madame Lila McGregor épouse de feu monsieur Allen Smith demeurant à Gaspé.

Madame Lila McGregor laisse dans le deuil :
ses enfants : Ellen (Pat), Gloria, Gail-Ann (Jean), Caroline (Louis), Tara-Ann (Sylvain);
ses petits-enfants : Julie, Craig, Kayla, Ryan, Eric, Dominique, Joelle, Kamélie, Shane, Maya;
ses arrière-petits-enfants : Conan, Emilia, Lilah;
ses soeurs : Kathleen, Clariss, Rena (Gérald);
ses belles-soeurs: Edna and Dieunette;
ses beaux-frères : Harris, Clement (Gilberte);
ses neveux, nièces et autres membres de la famille et de nombreux ami(e)s.
Elle était la mère de feu Bertha Smith Conoley.
Elle était la soeur de feu Hildred, feu Lydia, feu Mareing , feu Wilson, feu Elmer, feu Lionel, feu Kenneth, feu Irving et feu Hector.

Une célébration de sa vie aura lieu en privé à la Résidence funéraire Valère Fortin de Gaspé le mercredi 16 février à 19 heures.
La cérémonie sera disponible pour visionnement en différé via l'onglet Webdiffusion le 16 février à compter de 20 heures.

Toute marque de sympathie peut se traduire par un don à La Fondation Santé Côte-de-Gaspé.

Les services professionnels ont été confiés à la Résidence Funéraire Valère Fortin de Gaspé, une filiale Réseau HG Division, certifiée Distinction par la Corporation des Thanatologues du Québec et par le Bureau de normalisation du Québec.

La direction et le personnel du réseau HG Division offrent leurs plus sincères condoléances à la famille et la remercient pour sa confiance.
Message from Claire Thibault February 19, 2022

I'm so sorry for your loss. Mrs Lila was a breath of fresh air. I will remember all of our late night conversations at the Manoir and all the laughs we has. You will be missed sweet lady ( Grand Ma). 💞💞💞

Message from Rick and Paula February 19, 2022

Rick and I send our deepest sympathy to all you girls and family . Your Mum was such a beautiful lady and loved her girls dearly . Cherish all your wonderful memories and as hard as it is she is now at peace reunited with her beloved husband and daughter . Much love to you all !

Message from Johanne Samson & Léo Fortin February 19, 2022

C’est avec une immense peine pour toi Ellen et Pat ainsi que toute votre famille d’apprendre le décès de votre maman.
Nous savons que c’est une énorme perte pour toi Ellen mais tu as été tellement bonne et présente pour elle toutes ces années. Nous te serrons très fort dans nos bras xxx

Message from Lana Leggo February 18, 2022

My deepest condolences to all Mrs Lila's family.

Message from Louise Thibault February 17, 2022

My sincere condolences for the loss of your wonderful Mom,she was loved by so many people,strength & courage to all of you.

Message from Kathy Patterson& & Danny Miller February 17, 2022

Thinking of you all and your families on the loss of your mother. Our sympathy at this sad time. May the fond memories help you heal.

Message from Ivy Miller February 17, 2022

Our deepest sympathy to you and Pat, Ellen. So hard to lose a mother . Keep all the memories of the good times close to your heart. She was a beautiful and lovely lady. Ivy and Glenn.

Message from Delisca Ritchie et Ludovic Roussy February 17, 2022

Nous offrons nos très sincères sympathies à toute votre famille. Mme Smith a été pour nous une femme extraordinaire autant pour nous que pour nos enfants , KATHY et Jean-François. Ils ont gardé de très bons souvenirs de Mme Smith. Sa douceur, son respect ,sa bonne humeur étaient des plus appréciés. Merci Mme Smith . Delisca, Ludovic, KATHY et Jean-François.

Message from Clinique médicale Centre-Ville February 17, 2022

Les souvenirs resteront toujours. Nous vous offrons nos plus profondes sympathies en ces moments difficiles. Que nos pensées vous accompagnent dans cette épreuve. Bon courage afin de surmonter une si pénible épreuve !

Message from Joan Boulay February 16, 2022

May all the loving memories of your Mum be the beautiful gift that helps you heal. My deepest sympathies to all the family. xx

Message from Claire & Jean-Eudes Savage February 16, 2022

Sincères sympathies à toute la famille. Nous garderons toujours des beaux souvenirs de notre si gentille voisine.Elle était une personne adorable !

Message from Heather Sams February 16, 2022

To all the family at such a very difficult time. The loss of a mother - heartbreaking. Sending all of you peace and comfort during your grief.

Message from Bruce et Lina February 16, 2022

Ellen et Pat, et toute la famille, nos sincères sympathies pour la perte de votre maman. Bon courage!

Message from Lana Jean February 16, 2022

I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your wonderful mother. My deepest sympathy to all of the family.

Message from Anita McGregor-Garnham & family February 16, 2022

My condolences to you girls and families. My heart breaks for you today because I know what it’s like to lose a Mom. She was a very Soecial Aunt. I will sure miss seeing her when I go home. Hugs & kisses to all. Your Mom got her wings today, she will guide & watch over you.

Message from Natalie Finn February 16, 2022

My sincere sympathy to all her family and friends.
Aunt Lila was always there with a smile , she will be missed.

Message from jean pierre lalonde February 16, 2022

My sincere sympathy to all her family and friends.

Message from Mike Dempsey February 16, 2022

She was a beautiful lady ,she will be missed ,our condolences to the family

Message from William & Adelia Rooney February 16, 2022

Our most sincere condolences on the death of your mom. We remember her well from our time in Murdochville. She was such a cheerful, warm and kind person. May she rest in peace.

Message from Roy morris February 16, 2022

Our deepest sympathies to all the family from Roy and Suzette

Message from Ivan George Leggo February 16, 2022

My sincere sympathy to all her family and friends.

Message from Yolaine fournier February 16, 2022

Mes sympathies a la famille elle vous regardera de la haut 😪

Message from Lucie Lanthier and Gerald Finn February 16, 2022

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Our deepest condolences. Aunt Lila will be missed.

Message from Linda smith February 16, 2022

Dear Ellen and family we are heartbroken too hear of the passing of your mom our sincere condolences go out too all of you thinking very strongly of you guys in this time of sorrow

Message from Helena Gaul February 15, 2022

Sincere condolences, Ellen, to you and all your family. Your mom was a beautiful lady .

Message from Flavie Huet , February 15, 2022

Mes Sympathies à la famille ,🌹

Message from February 15, 2022

Poor lila, i know she have been ill in the last couple of years, and her death was shocking, my deepest and sincerest condolences to all her family.

Message from Michael Ford February 15, 2022

My deepest condolences to the Smith neighbors in Murdochville for thoughts and prayers are with you all

Message from Linda Bujold February 15, 2022

Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Message from Sharon Leggo & Ozzie Harrison February 15, 2022

We are thinking of you during this sad time and we want to extend our sincere sympathy to the whole family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Message from Sherry Sams February 15, 2022

My Sympathy to all the family

Message from Sheila & Earl Rooney February 15, 2022

Our Deepest Condolences to all members of the family of the “ Late Lila McGregor Smith” we will remember you Lila as one of our group ,we had some lovely Golden Age gathering, which I look back on as precious memories,R.I.P.

Message from Langlois Trent, Brenda February 15, 2022

Our deepest sympathies to the families

Message from Ouellet Denis & Gilberte Bouchard February 15, 2022

Nos plus sincères condoléances pour le décès de ta maman.

Message from Edna Huet February 15, 2022

Sincères sympathies à vous tous. Nos pensées et prières vous accompagnent.

Edna Het et famille

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