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In memory of
Roger Hackett
August 30, 1958 – August 20, 2021 - 62 years old
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Roger Hackett at the age of 62 years and 11 months in Gaspé.
Predeceased by his father Mr. John Hackett, his mother Mrs. Olga Savidant and two brothers.
He leaves behind his family and many friends.

Visitations will be held at St-Andew's Church in York on Friday, August 27, 2021. Visiting hours will be from 1:30 p.m. to 2.25 p.m.
Funeral will be held on the same day at 2:30 pm.

Donations can be made in memory of Mr. Hackett to the Gaspé Cancer Foundation.

The Valere Forti Funeral Home has been entrusted with organizing the above mentioned services.
Message from September 11, 2021


Message from Micheline, Melvin Fitzpatrick August 25, 2021

Sympathies to all the families

Message from Aldo wafer August 24, 2021

C est avec tristesse que j ai appris ton décès. Tu ètais un être courageux et jovial, toujours d humeur agréable à toutes nos rencontres. J avais beaucoup de plaisir à discuter avec toi mon cher te souhaite beaucoup de joie et de bo heur là, où tu te trouves maintenant, mon ami....

Message from Regina Mullin & Willis Rooney August 24, 2021

With deepest sympathy to all the family. Our thoughts are with you.

Message from Yvanne Robinson August 24, 2021

Cher Roger, repose en paix. J'ai beaucoup aimé prendre soin de toi nous avons eu bien du plaisir. Je t'appreciais et c'était tellement réciproque. Je ne t'oublierai pas. Mes sympathies à toute la famille

Message from Langlois Trent, Brenda August 24, 2021

Our deepest sympathies to all the family and friends

Message from Ivy Miller August 24, 2021

Our sincere condolences to all of Roger's family. May he rest in peace. Glenn and Ivy.

Message from Annie du manoir August 24, 2021

My dear Roger, Im sad but Im happy that I had the chance to meet you and share so many time with you! See you soon grosse baboon like we used to say! I love you! My sympathy to hes family xxx

Message from Richard Mullin August 24, 2021

My thoughts go out to all of Roger's family at this difficult time. I remember fondly going to visit Roger and his parents time and time again when I was a child and considered him a friend. He will be missed.

Message from Benoit and Gail Dorion August 23, 2021

Our Deepest Sympathy to all of Rogers family and friends. May He Rest in Peace

Message from Tony Patterson / Edmond Lizotte August 23, 2021

Our deepest sympathies to all the family and friends of Roger. May he rest in peace.

Message from Claire Thibault August 23, 2021

You will be missed my angel brother. My sympathies to you Sylvia and your dad

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