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In memory of
Anselme (Sam) Girouard
July 26, 1933 – August 23, 2020 - 87 years old

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Anselme (Sam) Girouard, at the age of 87 years. Originally from Lagacéville N.B., but he has resided in Gaspé for most of his life.

He is predeceased by his father, Antoine Girouard, his mother Emilie Savoie, his brother Exibée, and his son Bobby.

He leaves behind to mourn, his companion Joyce Roberts, her daughter Amanda(Lionel), her son Shanon and his daughter Shiana(David), his 5 children,Cyndi, Noella, Tina, Toni and Joey, as well as two grandchildren, Joshua(Amy) and Jonathan. One brother Ulysse(Janie) and three sisters, Josette(Michael), Antoinette and Rosette and a special Aunt Annie Savard as well as many friends.

Visitation will be held at the Valère Fortin Funeral Home on Friday September 4th, from 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m. followed by prayers at the United Church Cemetery.
Message from Erroll Leggo February 10, 2021

I remember your dad. I was just feeling nostalgic from childhood and looked it up. I remember you all living in the top corner of l'anse au brillant. I always had a crush on Toni. :) I hope your dad lived his best life. Also, do you remember that great apple tree near the broadroad road?

Message from Micheline Girouard September 04, 2020

Nos condoleance a toute la famille,de la part de la famille (enfants )de Magloire Girouard.

Message from Josh + Amy Girouard August 28, 2020

Our deepest condolences to Joyce and her family . To know that he was loved by you and your family is all that you could hope for in retrospect of a happy life . We can’t wait to see him again when all will be made new (Titus 1:2)

Love ,
Josh & Amy Girouard

Message from Tina-Marie Girouard August 27, 2020

🌻Our Dad 🌻
We do not know how many hearts you have touched during your lifetime...
We do know that those hearts will be missing someone special.
To those whom you have loved
and have loved you,
💕may you find comfort in the memories you hold dear to your hearts...hope, and prayers are with all of you!💕


Message from Rosette Girouard August 27, 2020

Dear Joey, Cyndi, Noella, Toni and Tina. No matter how old you are, it is never easy to lose a parent. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you grieve. Because I cannot be there, I'm holding you in my heart to comfort you.
Thank you Joyce for all these years you and my brother shared. I will forever be grateful for all the good care you gave him I hope that you find comfort in the good memories you have.
Sam, even if I did not get to see you as often as I would have liked, you were always in my heart. I am sure that Mom and Dad, Exibee and Bobby were all there to welcome you home. Rest in peace. Love to all.

Message from Noella Emilie Girouard August 27, 2020

Oh, Dad...sleep deeply in God's memory, where there is no pain, physical or mental. For I am fully convinced that we will meet again, in the not so distant future, in Paradise!

My heart is with my Aunt Rosette, my Uncle Ulysse, and our dearest Joyce...all whom my Dad, and his girls, love very much!

Message from Tina-Marie Girouard August 26, 2020

Joyce...I feel for your loss, and with all my heart I pray that you will find comfort in the promise that our loving God, Jehovah says in: Revelation 21: 3,4,5
“With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say:
“Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be His people...and God himself will be with them. And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also He says: “ Write, for these words are faithful and true.”

And so never doubt, that the words our creator, our loving God WILL come true, we just need to learn and understand how to attain the gift He offer us!

May you feel comforted that we will always be there for you.


Message from Cyndi Girouard August 26, 2020

(Job 14:13-15)

Life, like a mist, appears for just a day,

Then disappears tomorrow.

All that we are can quickly fade away,

Replaced with tears and sorrow.

If a man should die, can he live again?

Hear the promise God has made:

He will call; The dead will answer.

They will live at his command.

For he will have a longing

For the work of his own hand.

So have faith, and do not wonder,

For our God can make us stand.

And we will live forever,

As the work of his own hand.

Message from Cyndi Girouard August 26, 2020

Dad, you are in our hearts and prayers and have left us with many fond memories, smiles and laughs. Joyce, you will forever be part of our family. May Jehovah's peace be with you at this time of loss for you!

I hug you deeply!!!!

Message from Della Langlais Ricky and Cam August 25, 2020

my deepest sympathies to the family

Message from Blake and Nadine Patterson August 25, 2020

our deepest sympathy

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