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In memory of
Stephen Gordon Gilker
November 05, 1951 – January 16, 2020 - 68 years old
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Stephen Gordon Gilker at the age of 68 years.
Predeceased by his father Kenneth Gilker and his mother Joan Stephens.

He leaves behind his beloved wife Carol Beebe;
his children: Andrew (Sommer) and Ian (Samantha);
his grandchildren: Jacob, Oliver, and Rowan;
his sister Dawne Gilker Scott (Myles);
and many other family members and friends.

Visitations will be at the Henri Thibodeau Funeral Home, located at 197 Gérard D. Lévesque in New Carlisle,
on Monday January 20, 2020.

Visiting hours will be from 2 pm to 3:30 pm with prayers starting at 3:30 and from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Donations can be made in memory of Stephen Gordon Gilker to the Linda Lemore Brown Cancer Foundation.

The Henri Thibodeau Funeral Home has been entrusted with organizing the above mentioned services.

Message from Johanne Woods February 04, 2020

My deepest sympathy to all the family and friends.. 🌺😥

Message from Céline Poirier January 25, 2020

To the Gilker and Beebe families, I wish to express my deepest sympathy, particularly to my friend Andrew and his mother Carrol. Hope the best memories will help you through such deep pain. My heart is with you all. Céline Poirier v

Message from Josette Henry January 22, 2020

À toi Janet , à ta sœur, aux enfants... et à toute la famille

Une pensée spéciale pour ton beau-frère 😇

En attendant que la douleur se transforme en doux souvenirs, ma plus tendre sympathie 🙏🕯

Message from Betty and Art MacPherson January 22, 2020

Our most sincere sympathy to all family members, at this time of your tragic loss .

Message from Kathleen Arsenault January 21, 2020

Chère Caroll, je suis de tout coeur avec toi et ta famille. Mes sympathies à toi et les enfants pour le départ de Stephen. Il veillera sur vous j'en suis sûre.
Amitiés Kathleen Arsenault

Message from Caroline LeBlanc Girard January 21, 2020

My condolences... He will be remembered as a very precious professor, and a huge influence on my life.

Message from Lucille Roussy January 20, 2020

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Message from Nathalie Paquet January 20, 2020

Toutes mes sympathies à la famille

Message from Rita H. Maldemay January 20, 2020

Sincères condoléances à Madame Carol, Andrew et Ian ainsi qu'aux familles Gilker et Beebe.

Message from Andrée Lepage January 20, 2020

Sincere sympathy to Carol and family. My thoughts are with you all at this sad time.

Message from Hélène Bourdages January 19, 2020

Cher Andrew, Chère Carole,
Janett, Daryl et famille,

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous nous joignons à vous tous suite au décès de ton père, ton époux et beaux frère. Les mots semblent bien impuissant en de telle circonstances. Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous. Il veillera sur vous de là-haut et sera toujours dans votre coeur.
Bon courage à vous tous.

Hélène Bourdages et Louis Lévesque.

Message from Herbert & Elaine Cochrane January 19, 2020

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time.Our deepest sympathy to Carol and your family.

Message from Centre d'action bénévole Saint-Siméon-Port-Daniel January 19, 2020

C'est avec regret que nous avons appris le décès de monsieur Stephen. Nos plus sincères sympathies à madame Carol, Andrew et Ian ainsi qu'aux familles Gilker et Beebe, proches et amis.

Nous garderons un beau souvenir de ce précieux bénévole de la popote roulante de New Carlisle, un homme discret et dévoué. Bon courage.

Le conseil d'administration et toute l'équipe du Centre d'action bénévole Saint-Siméon-Port-Daniel

Message from Danielle LeBlanc January 19, 2020

Mes sincères sympathies à toi Andrew et tout ta famille. Je garde des supers beaux souvenirs de ton père! Bon voyage M. Gilker!

Message from Steven LePoidevin January 19, 2020

My deepest sympathies to the families. I have fond memories of my years in Bonaventure and New Carlisle.

Message from Patrick Clark January 18, 2020

Deepest sympathies to all the family

Message from Benoit Maltais Micheline Dorion January 18, 2020

tout nos sympathies a carole et les enfants

Message from Kelly Imhoff January 18, 2020

My heartfelt condolences to the Gilker/Beebe family’s passing of Mr. Gilker. As a former student of his, I can say he was one of the most respected, honest teachers I ever had. He was more than an intellect, historian and awesome educator. He was a believer! He believed in each and every student he taught. It was so apparent. I know that he protected us and looked out for our well being. You will be missed Mr. Gilker. May you have eternal rest and peace.

Message from Démise Roy January 18, 2020

Recevez nos plus profondes sympathies, Mme Carole, les enfants, Daryl, Louise et famille! Nos pensées et prières vous accompagnent!
Les Résidents/tes de la Résidence Gilker/ Denise, représentante des Résidents

Message from Linda Howatson-Leo January 18, 2020

I am so sorry for your loss. I have vivid memories of Mr Gilker teaching history at Bonaventure. Gone too soon.

Message from Linda Grenier et Pierre-Paul Savoie January 18, 2020

Our deepest sympathy to Carol and family

Message from Elsie Marsh January 18, 2020

Sincere sympathy to Carol and family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Message from Maureen Sinclair January 18, 2020

Sending my Deepest Sympathies to Carol & families,

Message from Muriel St.Onge Hoffman January 18, 2020

To Stephen Gilker’s family,
I am so sadden to hear of Stephen’s passing. He was my history teacher in the late 70’s. He was a wonderful teacher and had a way of making a connection with his students. I have fond memories of him! He had a special place in my heart and always will!

Message from Nicoe Charpentier et Dr Pierre Morissette January 18, 2020

Dear Carole and family, please accept our very deepest sympathy. He will be missed by all of us....

Message from M.Mme Emile Joseph (Diane) January 18, 2020

Sincères Sympathies Carol, surprise d'apprendre le décès de Stephen, à tes deux garçons Andrew and Yan(conjointes)ainsi qu'à la famille Gilker et Beebe ( Carol je travaillais pour la Banque Laurentienne) j'ai une pensée pour toi et tes deux fils

Message from Michael Chesser January 18, 2020

Thoughts and prayers to the Gilker and Bebe families.

Message from Paul Campbell January 18, 2020

I remember the first day he taught in Bonaventure (although I forget the course … was it history?) and also the exciting evening (that same school year?) he won the door-prize of a live sheep at the St. Patrick's Day Concert in St.Jules! A wonderful guy. Very sad news.

Message from Kenneth Ward January 18, 2020

The Officers and members of the Good Samaritan Masonic Lodge offers sincere sympathy to Carol, Worshipful Bros. Ian and Andrew and the entire family.


Rt. Wor. Bro. D.S. Coull, Worshipful Master

Message from Robert and Glenna Renouf January 18, 2020

To Carol and family you have our deepest sympathy on the passing of our dear friend Stephen. Thinking of days gone by from our many years of curling together to the good times in the Optimist Club. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Stephen was truly a good friend.

Message from Betty and Art MacPherson January 18, 2020

Our most sincere condolences to all family members.

Message from MARIELLE BIAIS January 18, 2020

Mes sympathies aux familles Beebe et Gilker🎋🎋repose en paix 🎋🎋

Message from Lana Beebe January 18, 2020

Our deepest sympathy to the families Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time Lana , Exore & Family

Message from Sharon LeGrand January 18, 2020

Deepest sympathy to all the families.

Message from Lee and Gloria Sinclair January 18, 2020

Our sincere condolences to Carol and family for your loss.our thoughts and prayers, are with you.

Message from Cynthia Enright January 18, 2020

My condolences to the Gilker and beebe families, thoughts and prayers are with you all

Message from Starnes connie January 18, 2020

My deepest sympathy to carol and family, stephen was great man, he loved to tell story's when he came with his wife with meals on wheels. He was a great teacher. He will be greatly missed. From connie.

Message from Sylvie Cayouette & Vaughn Renouf January 17, 2020

Our deepest sympathy to Carol and the family.

Message from Thérèse et Jean-Claude Loisel January 17, 2020

Nos plus sincères sympathies à toi Carol et toutes ta famille.

Message from Brent Renouf January 17, 2020

Our deepest sympathy to Carol and the family. Out thoughts and prayers are with you.

Message from Pierre-Étienne Normandeau January 17, 2020

Andrew, c`est avec tristesse que j`ai appris le décès de ton père.. J`ai une grande pensée pour toi.. . Je t`offre mes sympathies les plus sincères.
Pierre-Étienne Normandeau, Carleton

Message from MFFP - Gaspé January 17, 2020

Cher Andrew,

Nous savons et comprenons la peine
qui vous afflige toi et ta famille et, c'est pourquoi,
nous tenons à vous offrir
nos sincères condoléances.

Toute l'équipe du MFFP de Gaspé

To show your sympathy for the death of Stephen Gordon Gilker, you are invited to choose from the foundations selected by the family.
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