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À la mémoire de
David Baird
28 juillet 1935 – 11 août 2023 - 88 ans
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. David Baird at the age of 88 years. Predeceased by his wife Lorna Mullin.

He leaves behind his children: Elizabeth (Boyd), Murray (Colleen), Simon, Alexander (Michelle), his 12 grandchildren and their spouses, his seven great-grandchildren and many other family members and friends.

Visitation will be held at the Funeral Home Valère Fortin on Friday, August 18th, 2023. Visiting hours will be from 7 pm to 9 pm with funeral service on Saturday, August 19th, 2023 at St-Andrew's Church in York at 12 pm.

Donations can be made in memory of Mr. David Baird to the Gaspe Cancer Foundation.

Professional services have been entrusted to the Valère Fortin Funeral Home, a subsidiary of the HG Division network certified Distinction by the Corporation des thanatologues du Québec and by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec.

The management and staff of HG Division offer their deepest condolences to the family and thank them for their trust.

Message de Austin english 19 août 2023

Les souvenirs resteront toujours. Nous vous offrons nos plus profondes sympathies en ces moments difficiles. Que nos pensées vous accompagnent dans cette épreuve. Bon courage afin de surmonter une si pénible épreuve !

Message de Charles Smith 18 août 2023

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vermmy dery deds vous pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez.

Sachez que dans le deuil vous n'êtes pas seuls puisque vous pouvez compter sur notre sincère amitié.

Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condolémances.

Message de Ivy Patterson 17 août 2023

My deepest condolences to all the family & friends. David was a good man…so friendly with everyone..i.p.❤️

Message de Jackie Keays, Alain Cassivi 17 août 2023

To Sandy, Elizabeth and your family, so sorry for your lost, our deepest condolences to you all.

Message de Alain Dunn 17 août 2023

Mes plus sincères condoléances Elisabeth pour le départ de ce bon monsieur toujours souriant

Message de bruce patterson 16 août 2023

To all your family ,Shirley and I are so sorry for the loss of your dad, and want to express our deepest sympathies.

Message de Benoit and Gail Dorion 15 août 2023

It's with sadness we learned of the passing of Mr. David. He was a kind man. Our Deepest Sympathy to all His family and friends. May your memories of happy times get you through these sad day. He is with His love now and together they will watch over you all
May Mr. David Rest in Peace.

Message de Ambrose and Joan Boyle 15 août 2023

Our Deepest Sympathy to all the Family!

Message de Regina Mullin & Willis Rooney 15 août 2023

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sincere sympathy to all the family.

Message de Thibault Claire 15 août 2023

So very sorry for you loss. M David was a sweetheart all kind and helpful. My sympathies to all the family. May you find strength together to go through this

Message de Laurent Juneau 14 août 2023

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Message de Annette & Richard 14 août 2023

So sad to hear of Mr. David's passing, he was a kind man. May he now rest in peace beside his wife. To all the family, and especially to Sandy, Philip, Malcolm and Nathaniel, our prayers are with you.

Message de Lester Langlois 14 août 2023

My deepest condolences to Murray, Simon and the family, from your Grande Greve friend, 🙏🙏🙏

Message de Ann Borozny( Patterson) 14 août 2023

So sorry for your loss. My condolences to all the family,🙏🏻❤️

Message de Judy and Yvan Frenette 14 août 2023

Our deepest sympathies to you Liz and all your family.May your dad rest in peace.
Judy and Yvan.

Message de Jacinthe clavet & Michel Boulay 14 août 2023

Sincères sympathies à la famille tout spécialement à ma collègue de travail Elisabeth. Bon courage.

Message de Marie-Eve Synnott 14 août 2023

Au nom des employés du Centre de communication avec la clientèle de Gaspé et en mon nom personnel, nous désirons souhaiter nos plus sincères sympathies à notre collègue Elizabeth et aux membres de sa famille. Nous vous souhaitons tout le réconfort, le soutien, le courage et la bienveillance dont vous avez besoin pour traverser ensemble ce moment difficile.
Affectueusement Marie-Ève

Message de Brad and Janice Syvret 14 août 2023

Deepest sympathies going out to all of David’s family. He will be missed by many people. May he RIP…

Message de Sheila Lemieux Rooney& Earl Rooney 14 août 2023

Our Deepest Condolences to all David,s family.He was a very kind person.R.I.P. David

Message de Paula and Ricky Shannon 14 août 2023

Our deepest sympathies to all David’s family ! David played a big part in our community and will be missed by many .
Paula and Rick

Message de Ivy Miller 14 août 2023

Our sincere sympathy to all of David's family. He was a great community man and will be missed by all, Ivy and Glenn

Message de Blake Patterson and Nadine Jean 14 août 2023

Our deepest sympathy.

Message de Winston Mullin 14 août 2023

My sincere sympathy to the family of Mr David

Message de Sandra Eden Lavigne 14 août 2023

Sending my deepest sympathy to the family and friends of David, my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Message de Shirley & Donna Sandercock 14 août 2023

Murray, Colleen and family,

Sending you our deepest sympathies on the passing of your father. I only got to meet your dad once when he was up in Cobourg last fall but I have heard many stories and seen many posts about David.

Wish we're able to be there to pay our respects in person but we know that the memories and laughter you all shared will provide some comfort during the difficult days ahead. Your dad is reunited with his love and together they'll watch over all of you. Take care of each other.

Pour témoigner votre sympathie en lien avec le décès de David Baird, vous êtes invités à choisir parmi les fondations sélectionnées par la famille.
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