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À la mémoire de
Martha Ste-Croix (nee Libby)
12 février 1942 – 06 novembre 2021 - 79 ans
It is with great sadness we announce that our beloved sister Martha passed away on November 6, 2021. Her good friend Terrence (Ted) Lemieux was with her when she passed away from Parkinson's disease. She will be sadly missed by her sisters Mary McConnell, Sandra Libby and Rita Libby and her nephews Peter McConnell (Anna) and Christopher Boulanger (Aaron Patricia).

Martha was born in St. Lambert, QC, and married her husband William Ste-Croix from Barachois, Gaspé. They retired to Barachois in 1996. William passed away in 2008.
Through the years, Martha enjoyed working with her church and served as secretary at the Legion using her banking experience. She had worked 32 years for the Royal Bank.

She enjoyed her pets (dogs and cats) that kept her company. She was also an amateur artist and proudly displayed her work in her home.

A very special thank you goes to Norma Mckoy who helped us during these difficult COVID times and was present when we were unable to be there.

In lieu of flowers, donations to Saint Peter's Church, Barachois, would be appreciated.
Message de Rita Libby 12 février 2022

My dear sister, you would have turned eighty today. You are gone but never forgotten. Rita

Message de Mary Libby McConnell 22 décembre 2021

Martha, soft spoken and kind to all God's creatures. You will be greatly missed. Although only eleven months younger than I, we grew apart by distance which made it impossible for us to be as close as we wished. However we never lost contact.
I pray that in the next life, we shall never be parted from each other.
Your loving sister Mary.

Message de Peter McConnell 22 décembre 2021

I have very fond memories of my Dear Aunt Martha, of the time before I left Montreal, and the one precious time afterwards. I was happy to see that she still had a beauty that radiated from inside out. She was truly a joyful soul. Martha almost always had a smile, and I never knew her to be angry. The world was truly a better place with her. I will miss her dearly.

Peter McConnell

Message de Sandra Libby 02 décembre 2021

I will always remember when I was six years old and my sister Martha was nine. She collected a handful of dandelion seeds with their feathery tops and put them on a small pillow in the cupboard and told me they were fairies. She said that all they needed was a little thimble full of water once a day which I did diligently. Within a week the fairy colony had increased. Soon, Martha said it was time for them to fly away. One day I checked the cupboard and they were gone. Just one of the wonderful childhood memories of my sister Martha. She is now a fairy, free from the worldly woes.

Message de Christopher Boulanger 24 novembre 2021

Condolences to Ted and Aunt Martha's friends and family. She was a kind soul, that always stood up for me when I would think of things I couldn't find the answers to. Rest in peace, the angels are with you now.

Christopher Boulanger

Message de Aaron Burnett 24 novembre 2021

Martha was a kind soul. The first time that I met her while travelling in Gaspe, she welcomed my father and I to the family with open arms. My favourite memory of her was Christmas spent at our house in Vaudreuil-sur-le-lac with her sisters Rita & Sandra, my parents and her nephew Chris. She certainly loved all dogs and cats and they were spoiled by her kindness towards them. She will be missed.

Message de Della Lemieux 11 novembre 2021

Our sincere sympathy to Teddy & all the Family 🙏🏼

Message de Ambrose & Joan Boyle 10 novembre 2021

Our Deepest Sympathy to all the Family!

Message de Bonita Annett 10 novembre 2021

Deepest sympathy to you all at this sad time.

Message de Marjorie Lemieux Nadeau 10 novembre 2021

My condolences to Ted and Martha's family and friends. May she RIP 🙏

Message de Stan & Sue Ste Croix 09 novembre 2021

To Ted and all of Martha's family and friends we offer our sincere condolences. She was a nice lady and a great neighbour and will be missed.

Stan & Sue Ste Croix

Message de ALBERT BOND 09 novembre 2021

Les souvenirs resteront toujours. Nous vous offrons nos plus profondes sympathies en ces moments difficiles. Que nos pensées vous accompagnent dans cette épreuve. Bon courage afin de surmonter une si pénible épreuve !

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