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Avis de décès
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À la mémoire de
Shawn Langlois
20 août 1982 – 07 août 2021 - 38 ans
La version française suivra


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Shawn Langlois at the age of 38 years and 11 months in Alberton (P-E-I).

He is survived by people who loved him deeply including his son Damian Langlois;
his spouse Crystal Rehel;
his father Warren Langlois (Lisa Jean) and his Mother Elsie Roberts;
two stepchildren: Ashton & Miley Clark;
his grandmother: Doreen Mintchinton;
aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and many parents and friends.

« Some tears never dry. Our love for you will never die. »

Visitations will be held at the Valère Fortin Funeral Home in Gaspé on Monday, August 16, 2021. Visiting hours will be from 10:00 am to 13:55 pm. A celebration of the life of Mr. Langlois will be held on the same day at 2:00 pm. The funeral procession will leave from the funeral home after the Celebration, and make its way to Saint-Majorique’s cemetery for the burial.

« There are those who make the world a better place, one filled with love and caring. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. »

*Please take note that due to Covid-19, a maximum of 50 people at the same time are authorized inside the funeral parlour. We thank you in advance for your collaboration.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Valère Fortin Funeral Home in Gaspé, a subdivision of the HG division network awarded Distinction by the Corporation of thanatologists of Québec and BNQ-certified by the Bureau de Normalisation du Québec.

HG Division and staff offer their deepest condolences to the family.


C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de Shawn Langlois à l'âge de 38 ans et 11 mois à Alberton (P-E-I).

Il laisse dans le deuil des personnes qui l'aimaient profondément dont son fils Damian Langlois;
son épouse Crystal Rehel ;
son père Warren Langlois (Lisa Jean) et sa mère Elsie Roberts;
deux beaux-enfants : Ashton et Miley Clark ;
sa grand-mère : Doreen Mintchinton ;
tantes, oncles, cousins, cousines, nièces et neveux ainsi que de nombreux parents et amis.

« Certaines larmes ne sèchent jamais. Notre amour pour toi ne mourra jamais. »

Les visites auront lieu à la Maison Funéraire Valère Fortin de Gaspé le lundi 16 août 2021. Les heures de visites sont de 10h00 à 13h55. Une célébration de la vie de M. Langlois aura lieu le même jour à 14h00. Le cortège funèbre partira du Salon Funéraire après la Célébration et se rendra au cimetière de Saint-Majorique pour l'inhumation.

« Il y a ceux qui rendent le monde meilleur, rempli d'amour et de bienveillance. Votre attention restera toujours dans nos mémoires. » - La famille

*Veuillez prendre note qu'en raison de la Covid-19, un maximum de 50 personnes en alternance sera autorisé à l'intérieur du salon. Nous vous remercions d'avance pour votre collaboration.

La direction et le personnel du réseau HG Division, certifiée Distinction par la Corporation des thanatologues du Québec et par le Bureau de normalisation du Québec, offrent leurs plus sincères condoléances à la famille.
Message de Melanie & Tony 16 août 2021

Our deepest sympathies for your loss. Our heart goes out to you and your family.

Message de judy and yvan frenette 16 août 2021

Our deepest simpathies to both of you and all your family.
May your son that died to young rest in peace.

Message de Keith & Beulah Girard 15 août 2021

We are sorry for your loss. Our deepest sympathy to your family in this difficult time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Message de Carole Chicoine 14 août 2021

Dear Crystal, & Shawn's family, my deepest sympathies goes out to you all, there are no words to comfort you right now ..Just remember we are all with you in thought and prayers.

Message de Grant and Corinne Minchinton 13 août 2021

Our dearest and most sinsear condoléances to my brother Warren and Lisa and also Damien for the great loss of Shawn , the days ahead will be hard , you will never forget , and it will never be easy , but you will get through this , just be together, and love one another, Love you bro

Message de Ambrose & Joan Boyle 13 août 2021

Our Deepest Sympathy to all the Family!

Message de Stephen Coffin 13 août 2021

My deepest condolences to Shawn's family and friends. Way too young to be gone.

Nos plus sincères condoléances en ces temps de profonde tristesse.

Message de Anonymous who used to live in Gaspé. 13 août 2021

That was too bad that he passed away, he was so young!, my condolences.

Message de Gaëtane Fournier et Jean-Claude Clavet 13 août 2021

To Elsie, Mrs Minchinton et all the family, we are very sorry for your lost and send you our deepest sympathy.

Message de Lester Langlois 13 août 2021

We were very sad in reading the lose of such a young man. Our sincere condolences to Warren , Lisa , Crystal and the Langlois family, R.I.P. Shawn 🌹

Message de leeanne normand 13 août 2021

my deepest sympathies uncle warren my taughts and prayers are with you .RIP little cousin shawn

Message de ANDRÉ RICHARD 13 août 2021

To Elsie, Chrystal, Lisa and the Langlois family
We offer you our profound sympathies and deepest condolences to you and your family for the tragic passing of Shawn.
All the team of Multi Services, corporation d’aide à domicile, join us in sending their thoughts to you and the family in those difficult times.

Message de Donna Stanley & Gilles Fournier 12 août 2021

Our deepest sympathy for your loss.

Message de Ashley Ivanovs 12 août 2021

I still cannot believe that I am here writing about Shawn. This has yet to become real for me and I know there are so many family members and friends (and for me, now 20+ years later after meeting Shawn), that I have also not had the pleasure of meeting that all share sadness along with fond memories of him, where you can’t help but smile and cry simultaneously.

Back then, Shawn and my BF at the time and myself and the rest of the friends group back in 1998 or so, would listen to 2pac on repeat. DMX. You couldn’t hear a song without thinking of him. He knew every word and eventually the rest of us did too. Elsie, I remember once being in your home with my BF and Shawn and others and Shawn was the happiest I had ever seen him. Giggling, singing loudly and dancing; true life of the party. That is what I think of most now when I think of Shawn. We all went camping at Bingemans, hung out at our favorite spot in the complex, countless hangouts in everyone’s basements and backyards.

Too many years have passed and me letting the “hi, how have you been”, or “goodbye” to Shawn slip away. Or not having met his loved ones, spouse, son, step children, etc so many years after he made an impact on my life. Those were the days when friends were good and real - Shawn: thank you for that.

I hope everyone is able to find comfort during their time of grief. There are many people thinking of you, your family and friends right now.

My condolences,

Message de Sharon Syvret 12 août 2021

Deepest sympathy

Message de Barbara Roberts 12 août 2021

The memories are what we hold on to tight and they will never fade. My deepest sympathies to all the family and friends.

Message de Judy mullin 12 août 2021

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vers vous pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez.

Sachez que dans le deuil vous n'êtes pas seuls puisque vous pouvez compter sur notre sincère amitié.

Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condoléances.

Message de Sylvie Boulay and Harry Stanley 12 août 2021

The memories will always stay. We offer you our deepest sympathies in these difficult times. Our thoughts are with you. Harry and Sylvie

Message de Blake and Nadine Patterson 12 août 2021

Our deepest sympathy to all of the family...

Message de Denis Ouellet & Gilberte Bouchard 12 août 2021

Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult Time. We are sorry for your loss.

Message de Denis Ouellet & Gilberte Bouchard 12 août 2021

Ouf thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult Time. We are sorry for your loss.

Message de Benoit and Gail Dorion 12 août 2021

We would love to offer our Deepest Sympathy to Shawn's Son, His Mom and Dad His Girlfriend and all His family and friends. He is gone way too young and will be sadly missed by many
Keep all your previous memories in your hearts. Rest in Peace Shawn.

Message de Carolynn Asselin 12 août 2021

My deepest sympathy to the family in the sad time.

Message de Dorna Langlois & Denis Fournier 12 août 2021

Our sincere sympathies to all the family, keep his memories in your heats they are precious, know that he will give you the strength to get through this. xxxx

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