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À la mémoire de
Lyall Patterson
26 juin 1950 – 03 avril 2018 - 67 ans
Passed away at the CISSS de la Gaspésie-CHSLD MGR Ross on April 03 at the age of 67 years Mr. Lyall Patterson Husband of Mrs. Ann Roberts from Sandy Beach.

The family will receive condolences at the Résidence Funèraire Valère Fortin inc ., located at: 86 Jacques Cartier St. , in Gaspé on Sunday, April 8 from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Monday visiting from 1 p.m. to 1: 30 p.m.
Funeral service will be held at St-Johns - St-Philipps church in Sandy Beach on Monday April 9 at 2 p.m..

Interment to follow at St-Johns-St- Philipps cemetery.

He leaves behind :

his wife Mrs. Ann Roberts

1 son : Richard ( Crystal ) ,

1 daughter : Patti ( Daniel ),

3 grandchildren : Olivia , Isabel , William

2 sisters : Linda , Leila ( Peter ) ,

many brothers-in law, sisters-in-law, nephews , nieces.

and many friends.

Donations can go to the Gaspe Cancer Foundation or to the St. John’s St. Phillip’s Cemetery Fund.

For Donations to the Cemetery fund Please send E-Transfers to
Message de Harry Baird 09 avril 2018

My thoughts are with you all at this difficult time.

Message de Yvette Mullin 09 avril 2018

My deepest sympathy to Ann, Patti, Richard and the families. He was a lovely man and he will be missed.

Message de Guy Trudel & Micheline Synnott 08 avril 2018

The lost of a dear one is a moment of missunderstanding regrets and sadness.
We are offering you our sympathy and friendship , hoping that time will help thinking of the best tjme you had with Lyial.

Message de Regina Mullin & Willis Rooney 08 avril 2018

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. With sincere sympathy, Regina, Willis & family.

Message de Gaétan Lelièvre 06 avril 2018

C’est avec regret que j’ai récemment appris le décès de M. Patterson.

En ce moment difficile, ma conjointe Christine et moi-même tenons à offrir nos plus sincères condoléances aux membres de la famille, aux proches et aux amis.

Gaétan Lelièvre
Député de la circonscription de Gaspé
Assemblée nationale du Québec

Message de Guylaine cotton 06 avril 2018

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vers vous pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez.

Sachez que dans le deuil vous n'êtes pas seuls puisque vous pouvez compter sur notre sincère amitié.

Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condoléances.

Message de Monique Giroux Denis Racine 06 avril 2018

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toi Richard et ta famille. Que les beaux souvenirs apaisent votre grande peine.

Monique et Denis

Message de ferreol cloutier 06 avril 2018

Même si la distance rend ma présence à vos côtés impossible, je tenais à vous faire parvenir une pensée sincère de sympathie.

Lors de la perte d'un être cher, notre peine est immense. Dans ces moments de douleurs profondes, toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent. Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Message de Shirley Adams 05 avril 2018

My sympathy goes out to the Roberts and Patterson families.
Today and always may your loving memories of Lyall bring your comfort & strength. Gone to Soon.

Message de Ted &à Gayle Cotton 05 avril 2018

Sending our deepest sympathies to all of the family. Our thoughts are with you all

Message de Lesley and Hugo Giffard 05 avril 2018

Our deepest sympathies go out to the entire family. Every time we would see him, he would come over and talk with us. He was always laughing and smiling. He was such a sweet man.

Message de Donald Chamberlain 05 avril 2018

From the Chamberlain's family to the Patterson's family' our sincere condolences. Praying that the God of all flesh would grant you strength and courage in this difficult time, and a peace beyond human understanding. The Lord bless and sustain you all, in Jesus name.

Message de Rosemary Coffin 05 avril 2018

Our deepest sympathies to all the family. May you find comfort in all the wonderful memories Lyall has left you with.

Rosemary and family

Message de Norris Patterson 04 avril 2018

We would like to send sympathy from our family to yours at this time for your loss. He will be greatly missed.

Message de Karl Mullin and Gisèle Leblanc 04 avril 2018

Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.

Message de Sherry Sams 04 avril 2018

My Deepest Sympathy to the Family & loved ones!

Message de Ivy and Glenn Miller 04 avril 2018

Our deepest sympathy to Ann and family and to the Patterson and Roberts families. Lyall was a wonderful man and will be missed by many. May he rest in peace. Glenn and Ivy

Message de Pierre-André Gasse 04 avril 2018

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vers vous pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez.

Sachez que dans le deuil vous n'êtes pas seuls puisque vous pouvez compter sur notre sincère amitié.

Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condoléances.

Message de Benoit and Gail Dorion 04 avril 2018

Our deepest sympathy to all of Lyalls family and friends.Hope it helps knowing that others are thinking about you at this difficult time. May he Rest in Peace.

Message de Claire Hamilton & Marc Langelier 04 avril 2018

To all the families Patterson and Roberts, please accept our
deepest sympathies.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Message de Carolyn Clark 04 avril 2018

Our Sympathies to all the family at this sad time

Message de Art Jones 04 avril 2018

My deepest sympathy to the family. So very sorry for your loss.

Message de Winston Mullin 04 avril 2018

My condolences to the family of Lyall My Thoughts and prayers are with you all Winston

Message de Kimberly stanley 04 avril 2018

My deepest sympathies. My thoughts and prayers are with you xoxo

Message de Linda and Dale Fournier 04 avril 2018

Our deepest sympathies to the family. Thinking of all of you at this hard time.

Message de Cora Donovan 04 avril 2018

My deepest sympathies to the family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Message de Noreen and John Roberts 04 avril 2018

Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs and our love. See you soon.

Love John and Noreen

Message de Virginia Harbour 04 avril 2018

My deepest sympathies to Ann, Richard, Patti, Linda and Leila as well as to all their families. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Lyall was a good man and will be missed by many. RIP Lyall.

Message de Scott and Susan Palmer 04 avril 2018

Our deepest sympathies to Ann and her family.
May Lyall Rest in Peace.

Message de DENNIS MULLIN 04 avril 2018

We wish to express our condolence to the family of the late LYALL PATTERSON. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of sorrow. DENNIS AND GWEN

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