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À la mémoire de
David James Patterson
04 janvier 1933 – 21 novembre 2017 - 84 ans
À sa résidence, le 21 novembre 2017, est décédé à l'âge de 84 ans et 10 mois,
Monsieur David James Patterson, époux de Dame Margaret Patterson demeurant à Wakeham.

La famille recevra les condoléances à la maison funéraire Valère Fortin de Gaspé, le jeudi 23 novembre, à compter de 19:00. Les heures de visites sont de 19:00 à 21:00. Il est à noter également que vendredi, jour des funérailles, le salon ouvrira ses portes à midi.

Les funérailles auront lieu à l'église St-James de Wakeham, le vendredi 24 novembre, à 14:00. Suivi de l'inhumation au cimetière de l'endroit.

Monsieur David James Patterson laisse dans le deuil:
Ses enfants: Shirley (Peter), Paul, Rose-Marie (Ted), Stanton (Karen), Molly (Larry), Sam (Beverly),
Clark, Alma (Adrian) et sa belle-fille Lolene.
18 petits-enfants
22 arrière-petits-enfants
Un frère: Walter
Ses neveux et nièces
Ses cousins et cousines
Et de nombreux ami(e)s

Il est pré-décédé de son fils Woodrow

Toute marque de sympathie peut se traduire par un don à l'association pulmonaire du Québec.
Message de Judy & Lorelei Reeder 25 novembre 2017

To Margaret and family,

So sorry to hear about David's passing. Our deepest sympathy to you all. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Message de Judy & Lorelei Reeder 25 novembre 2017

To Margaret and family,

So sorry to hear about David's passing. Our deepest sympathy to you all. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Message de Marie & Debbie Stewart 25 novembre 2017

Margaret and family,

So sorry to hear of your loss. Our deepest sympathy, love and prayers are with you all.

Message de Beverley Patterson 23 novembre 2017

I send condolences to the rest of the family. When I met dad, he and mom welcomed me to the family and said call them mom & dad. I have very good & fun memories of dad and he will be greatly missed.

Message de Beverley Patterson 23 novembre 2017

I send condolences to the rest of the family. When I met dad, he and mom welcomed me to the family and said call them mom & dad. I have very good & fun memories of dad and he will be greatly missed.

Message de Glen and Mary Beth Miller 23 novembre 2017

Mary Beth and I express our heartfelt condolences to David's family. I have treasured memories of visits with Uncle David and Aunt Margaret in Wakem and North Bay. Our prayers for God's comforting and healing presence have been offered during the various Church service at which I preside. May you all be blessed with that comfort as you mourn the death of a very special man.

Message de Gaétan Lelièvre 23 novembre 2017

C’est avec regret que j’ai récemment appris le décès de M. Patterson.

En ce moment difficile, ma conjointe Christine et moi-même tenons à offrir nos plus sincères condoléances aux membres de la famille, aux proches et aux amis.

Gaétan Lelièvre
Député de la circonscription de Gaspé
Assemblée nationale du Québec

Message de Sherry Miller 23 novembre 2017

My deepest sympathies to Mrs. Margaret and the family. I have wonderful memories of Mr. David, which will remain in my heart forever. Hugs to you all.

Message de JIm and Bonnie Scarbro 23 novembre 2017

To the Family
May all the wonderful memories you have shared with Mr. David give you strength in your time of grief. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time..
Jim and Bonnie.

Message de Kathleen Clark Schumann 22 novembre 2017

Dear Margaret and children and all your family. My heart goes out to you with Deepest Sympathy. I send my LOVE to all of you and wish so much I were closer You and Dave were two of my dearest friends since we were so young. May all your beautiful memories of Dave help to sustain you through these difficult days, and know he will always be watching over you . Love you all Kathleen

Message de Cyndia Pearson 22 novembre 2017

Thinking of you Shirley and your family

Message de Cindy and Peter Burke 22 novembre 2017

Dear Margaret and all of your children and family,

Please accept our sincere sympathy at your loss of Dave. Our hearts are broken. He was kind and sweet and it was one of our biggest honors to have met him and you. We will think of him all the time and someday maybe be able to travel back to Gaspe. May he rest in the arms of God and in the hearts of all who loved him. Love, Cindy Patterson Burke and Peter Burke.

Message de Charles & Phyllis Clark 22 novembre 2017

Sister Margaret and Family, Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this sad time.May you take comfort with each other. Sorry that we cannot be with you at this time.God Bless youMay David Rest In Peace. Love Charles & Phyllis

Message de ferreol cloutier 22 novembre 2017

En espérant que les souvenirs de cet être cher à vos yeux puissent vous apporter la paix intérieure et vous réconforter.

Nos plus sincères condoléances en ces temps de profonde tristesse.

Message de Scott and Susan Palmer 22 novembre 2017

Our Deepest Sympathy to Mrs.Margaret and all her family.May he Rest in Peace. We will miss you.

Message de Howard Clark 22 novembre 2017

My deepest sympathy to my cousin Margaret and all
the members of the family,with this message
The best we can do is to hope, to believe to care
and remember ,the good times.

Message de Gertrude and Leonard 22 novembre 2017

Our deepest sympathy to all the family, our thoughts are with you at this sad time Gertrude and Leonard

Message de Blake and Nadine Patterson 22 novembre 2017

our deepest sympathy to the family

Message de Sue Guerin 22 novembre 2017

Molly & Family

On behalf of the RMR Assn Br 14 RCL

Sincere Condolences to you and your family. Know your comrades are here for you.

Sue Guerin
President & Friend

Message de Bruce and Shirley patterson 21 novembre 2017

We want to express our sincere sympathies to Margaret and all the family.
Shirley and Bruce

Message de Sandra Eden 21 novembre 2017

My sincere sympathy to the family and friends of David, my thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time.

Message de Winston Mullin 21 novembre 2017

My condolences to Mrs Margaret and the family of the late Mr David Patterson Our prayers are with you at this sad time

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