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À la mémoire de
Ada May Patterson
05 mai 1926 – 11 décembre 2016 - 90 ans
Au CISSS De La Gaspésie-Hôpital De Gaspé, le 11 décembre est décédée à l`âge de 90 ans et 7 mois madame Ada May Patterson épouse de feu monsieur Leigh Jones de Sunny Bank.

La famille vous accueillera en l`église St-Andrew de York le vendredi 16 décembre de midi à 14 heures .

Les funérailles auront lieu à 14 heures en l`église de York.

Madame Ada May Patterson laisse dans le deuil : 2 fils Bruce ( Lina ), Brent ( Leanne ), 3 petits-enfants : Catherine,Rylan,et Griffyn,,beaux-frères,belles-soeurs,neveux,nièces et de nombreux ami(e)s.

Passed away at CSSS De La Gaspésie-Hospital of Gaspé, on December 11 at the age of 90 years and 7 months Mrs. Ada May Patterson wife of late Mr. Leigh Jones from Sunny Bank.

The family will receive condolences at St-Andrew`s Church in York on Friday , December 16 from noon to 2 p.m.

Funeral service on the same day at 2 p.m. Interment to follow at St-Andrew`s Cemetery.

Mrs. Ada May leaves behind: 2 sons: Bruce ( Lina ), Brent ( Leanne ), 3 grandchildren ; Catherine, Rylan and Griffyn, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces and many friends.

Donation may be made to the Gaspé Hospital Foundation or St-Andrew Alter Guild.
Message de Joanne Ahern & Marilyn Ahern 18 décembre 2016

We were very sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. What a lovely person she was, always smiling and her visits to Mom were very special and so appreciated. Thinking of you all at this sad time.

Message de Ida Jones Ste-Croix and family 14 décembre 2016

Dear Bruce, Lina, Catherine, Brent, Leanne, Rylan and Griffyn,

Our hearts share in the loss of beloved Mrs. Jones, one of the most endearing and best souls to ever reach heaven. We treasure the memories we have with her and hope you will find comfort in knowing she is finally in blissful peace with the only man she ever loved.

Ida Ste-Croix and family

Message de Lois & Craig Johnston 14 décembre 2016

Brent, Leanne and Family,

Lois and I extend our deepest condolences on your loss. Our thoughts are with you.

Lois & Craig

Message de Anson Patterson and Susan Engel 14 décembre 2016

Bruce, Brent and families,
We were so very sad to learn of the passing of your sweet mother and our dear "Aunt Ada". She loved you both so much and was very proud of you and your lovely families. I have wonderful memories of Aunt Ada and enjoyed the the long talks she and I shared over the years. In many ways, she was like a mother to me. Christmas was always made complete with our exchange of newsy letters- in fact I received her letter just yesterday and my heart broke. It comforts me- and I truly hope it comforts you -to know that your mother's heart was full . She was so looking forward to Brent's visit this Christmas with Leanne and the boys. She was also anticipating Lina and Catherine coming over to decorate her Christmas tree as "they do every year". Aunt Ada was loved and she knew it. What a gift she was to all of us. How I will miss her. And my world - especially at Christmas- will be a little darker without her.
Our sincerest sympathy to you all,
Susan and Anson

Message de DENNIS Mullin 13 décembre 2016

Our Condolence to the family of the late Ada Jones. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Dennis ,Gwen and Calvin

Message de Vicki & Marc 13 décembre 2016

Our deepest sympathy to Bruce, Brent and their families. Aunt Ada was a wonderful lady and we will always hold onto fond memories of her. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Message de Claire Hamilton et Marc Langelier 13 décembre 2016

Please accept our deepest sympathies.

Message de David and Ann 13 décembre 2016

Our deepest sympathies to you, Bruce, Brent and families. Thinking of you and remembering your sweet and thoughtful Mom.

Message de David and Ann 13 décembre 2016

Our deepest sympathies to you, Bruce, Brent and families. Thinking of you and remembering your sweet and thoughtful Mom.

Message de Kevin & Isabella Devine 13 décembre 2016

Dear Brent, Leanne, Bruce & Family
It is truly a sad day with the loss of your wonderful Mother...she lived a great and meaningful life to have raise 2 young boys into the fine men they are today. May your memories warm your heart and make you smile once again.

With Love,

Kevin & Isabella Devine

Message de Donna Stanley 13 décembre 2016

My deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Mrs. Ada May Patterson.She was a kind and lovely lady and she will be greatly missed.

Message de James Wilson 13 décembre 2016

Our deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. May God give you the peace that you seek. Your Mother enjoyed a wonderful life, with loving children and grandchildren.

Message de Brian Lequesne 13 décembre 2016

Our deepest sympathies to Bruce, Brent and all family members during this tough time. Our thoughts are with you.

Brian, France, Brandon, Chelsea

Message de Sandra Eden Lavigne 12 décembre 2016

Sending my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Ada, you are all in my thoughts and prayers in this time of grief!

Message de ruby ascah 12 décembre 2016

my sympathies to the family of ada


Message de ruby ascah 12 décembre 2016

my sympathies to the family of ada


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